My current Sedris build. The plan is to abuse enter the battlefield abilities as well as graveyard recursion, ending with an infinite combo. Suggestions are always welcome!


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Sometimes I just get the urge to try to change exactly how a deck goes about accomplishing its game plan. This deck attempts to set up an infinite mana combo and kill people by infinitely blinking Gray Merchant of Asphodel. But it also just abuses enter the battlefield abilities. To that point, I had looked for the craziest enter the battlefield abilities I could find, most of which are, understandably, on very expensive creatures. As a result, I don't really do much on the early turns of the game. I have added some lower cmc mana rocks to help this, but I have decided to make a much larger change. I am changing the deck significantly, with the focus now being more on velocity, by putting in a bunch of cheaper, less flashy, enter the battlefield abilities in order to move through the deck quicker.

-Massacre Wurmfoil, Palinchron, Sheoldred, Whispering One, Sepulchral Primordial, Sphinx of Uthuun, Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign

Basically all creatures that cost more than 5 mana have been removed from the deck. While these cards are powerful, they do not really fit the new plan for the deck.

-Gilded Lotusfoil, Traumatize, Conjurer's Closet

These cards are slower and cost more, making them also less ideal for the new, low-to-the-ground idea.

-Hero's Downfall, Crosis's Charm, Chaos Warp, Forbid, Vandalblast, Dualcaster Mage

Another cut to make was some of the non-creature based interaction in the deck, again aimed at increasing the overall velocity. Dualcaster has just never worked out the way I hoped he would.


Lower overall CMC means less mana sources are needed

+Owl Familiar, Champion of Wits, Faithless Looting, Raven Familiar

These are some of the velocity focused cards. My plan is to have as many creatures as possible that basically replace themselves with another card, and Looting is just very cheap card selection that is great in the early game.

+Cloud Key, Nightscape Familiar, Priest of Gix, Priest of Urabrask

Another way to just increase the amount of plays that you can make per turn is to make lots of your plays cheaper to accomplish.

+Trophy Mage, Cloudstone Curio, Illusionist's Stratagem

Trophy mage also just replaces itself with a relevant card, and then Curio is another target that allows me to keep bouncing and replaying my enter the battlefield abilities, hopefully with a discount from the previous group. Stratagem also allows us to reuse enter the battlefield triggers.

+Big Game Hunter, Mnemonic Wall, Havengul Lich, Wake the Dead, Ashnod's Altar

There is more of a focus on quickly fueling the graveyard now, and so I put in both enablers and payoffs for that strategy. The timing restriction on Wake doesn't really bother me, because I care mostly about the enter the battlefield triggers, and less so about the creatures sticking around, and it can possibly save me from an alpha strike.


Date added 10 years
Last updated 3 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

28 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 80
Avg. CMC 3.50
Tokens Champion of Wits 4/4 B, Copy Clone
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