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The Power of Burning Humans

Standard Aggro Humans RGW (Naya) Tribal




Artifact (2)

Instant (2)

Sorcery (3)

The goal of this deck is to play humans for quick damage and finish off your opponent with burns spells or destroy opposing creatures with burn spells. Let me know how I can improve it please.

Champion of the Parish --> Mayor of Avabruck   / Lightning Mauler -->Silverblade Paladin


Champion of the Parish --> Burning-Tree Emissary and Lightning Mauler Soulbonded Together --> Silverblade Paladin

That is the optimal order, but you can also substitute in a lightning mauler on turn two. Of 15 play tests I performed: 9/15 won on turn 4 (60%), 4/15 won on turn 5 (26.67%) and 2/15 won on turn 6+ (13.33%). (Edit: This is pre- Burning-tree Emissary, turn 3 wins are now possible)


Champion of the Parish is our optimal 1 drop, able to grow to great proportions with this deck full of humans, he is probably the main win condition when linked with a Silverblade Paladin and if not, he is certainly early pressure.

Boros Elite is our alternative 1 drop, allowing for an aggressive one drop similar to Champion of the Parish on turn 3. He also is a human, so if we can drop him on a later turn it is not the end of the world.

Mayor of Avabruck   is an optimal 2 drop, turning a 1st turn Champion of the Parish into a 3/3 monster. Also applies pressure to control decks forcing them to cast spells or face his deadly flipside. He's a human lord though, so a lot of the time it is better for us to let him remain on his front-side. He buffs all of our humans making every single little one into a threat that needs dealing with.

Burning-Tree Emissary is a hidden gem in this deck. He allows us to place a counter on our Champion of the Parish and gives us a bear while still allowing us to play another creature on turn 2 as well. Why would you not want to see this in your hand??? Optimally, Turn 2: Burning-Tree Emissary + Lightning Mauler Soulbonded and swing for 7 with a 3/3 Champion of the Parish As well. Or how about just on a later turn getting a free 2/2 out onto the field while still playing an aggressive drop for that turn.

Lightning Mauler is an enabler of a turn 3 hasted Silverblade Paladin which deals a whopping 8 damage between the 2 of them. He also hastes our creatures that we play on later turns turning them into threats the turn they hit the board meaning that they'll be getting damage in unless our opponent has some instant speed removal to deal with them.

Silverblade Paladin is our strongest 3 drop, putting double strike on anything will swing for a good heft of damage if not finish our game. He is one of the main win conditions when paired with a Champion of the Parish or a Lightning Mauler not to mention the addition of 1st strike to any one of our stronger creatures makes it a serious pain for our opponents to block.

Frontline Medic is simply an amazing card. It makes the Bonfire of the Damned our opponents play cost 3 more, as well as any pesky Sphinx's Revelation. We also don't have to worry about blocking or any ways our creatures might be destroyed during or after the combat step. Throw this on a Lightning Mauler and on turn 3 you can have a a 3/3 Champion of the Parish, this 3/3, and a 2/1 Lightning Mauler attacking your opponent, but wait they're all indestructible now! We have 8 indestructible damage on 3? I'll buy it.

Rancor is here for its evasion and the +2/+0 it provides. Not only that but if something were to happen to the creature we put it on (as is often apt to happen) then we get this back to our hand to use again! Now there's a smart card :D

Madcap Skills or should I say skillz... Anyhow, this might as well make something unblockable on turn 2 or 3 and it gives a huge buff of 3 attack, so it is perfect for our aggro deck! This will be sided out against red decks and replaced with Volcanic Strength but is more consistent against all decks earning it a place in our maindeck.

Boros Charm. Nuff' said... but I shall elaborate. This a star in pretty much every way. If one of our key creatures is going to be killed or destroyed then we can cast this and save it! If we attack on a turn and the blocks don't go as planned (i.e. they buff one of their creatures) then we can just save all of our creatures with this "Get out of jail free card". It is also our star against control decks, making a Supreme Verdict lot less intimidating, as well as providing a surprise double strike, or even just burning our opponent for 4 damage to finish the game.

Selesnya Charm is the perfect card for aggro. It gives us a buff and trample which will often make an innocent attack lethal (I have won many games this way by using this to slip in that last 2 points of damage that I needed to finish the game. It also stars as removal! It can remove most of the threats tot his deck, and hey with all those Obzedat, Ghost Council running around, Selesnya Charm will take care of those, or even Thundermaw Hellkite. Also in a cinch we get a 2/2 body for 2 with flash! But let's hope it doesn't come to that...

Searing Spear is our classic burn spell, it kills creatures or people, you choose! And hey 3 damage for 2 mana? Sign me up!


Thalia, Guardian of Thraben is our turn 2 drop that is aggressive and at the same time slows down enemy decks that rely upon non-creature spells. Especially against a control matchup, the thalia will allow us to get a turn ahead and avoid turn 4 Supreme Verdict or just make their counters and such cost more. Basically against decks that have very few creatures this is a must for sideboarding in.

Boros Charm that's right, there are more of them! Against a creatureless deck why would we want to run burning spear for 3 damage when we can run this for its awesome effects as well as a burn for 4? Sideboard in against creatureless control.

Nearheath Pilgrim is a pro racer. What do I mean by this? Well every one of our strikes has now doubled in value! Did I just get more cryptic? Indeed... Now instead of just damaging our opponents we get to damage them AND heal ourselves! This means that if we're racing against another aggro deck we can now make our strikes much more potent and be able to survive long enough to kill them before they kill us.

Reckless Waif   is what I like to call the bane of control decks. If we drop this on turn 1, and we've gone first it is nearly impossible for a control deck without Thought Scour to stop this thing from transforming into a 3/2 ready to attack on turn 2! Side this in against slower or control decks.

Volcanic Strength is like a rancor in that it provides evasion, but I'd say that being unblockable is better than trample any day! This is what we'll sideboard in if our opponent has red in his deck, because now we get to buff our creatures by a fair amount as well as give them the plus of being unblockable! Deathtouch bothering you (and you're wondering what it's doing in a red deck?), this will solve your problem!

Zealous Conscripts is the only 5 drop I'd really consider. It's board effect is massive and should win us the game if the board is filled. It'll take away that key blocker of our opponents, or give us that little bit of extra damage we need to be lethal. There is really nothing bad about this card! So why is it in the sideboard? Well I hope to usually win before turn 5, but if I'm fighting a deck and I find that I can't win before turn 5/6 then I know it's time to call on this guy to help me win my games!

SUCCESSFUL SIDEBOARDING: COMING SOON! Some sideboard descriptions have reasoning of when to side them in so check those out for the time being!


Updates Add

No real update to the deck here. Volcanic Strength in the sideboard, Thatcher Revolt added in.

Description updated too! Check it out!

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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

31 - 5 Rares

18 - 6 Uncommons

5 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.92
Tokens Human 2/2 G, Knight 2/2 W w/ Vigilance, Wolf 2/2 G
Folders Humans, Decks, Ideas, bros smsh, player made decks, decks i want to build
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