Zombies kick tushie. Plain and simple truth.
This is a Necromancer's Stockpile shell, like the one's Conley Woods (http://www.channelfireball.com/articles/breaking-through-stockpiling-ideas/) and Gavin Verhey (http://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/rc/how-train-your-zombie-2014-08-12) have been working on, accompanied by mono-black aggro. It is a lot of fun to play and can be taken in any direction you choose.
I'm currently using Pack Rat as an additional engine and have a goal of keeping this as budgety as possible.
Game Plan:
Get an "engine" (Stockpile or Pack Rat) up and either grind away with the stockpile or go all out with a Pack Rat. Finish things off with a Grey Merchant.
Card Choices:
21 Swamp
1 Radiant Fountain - Very rarely costs me anything unless I have sideboarded in a Bile Blight or want two slitherheads on turn two, or if I got the Nykthos too.
1 Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx - Can often help get out a Grey Merchant earlier, perhaps cut the Fountain for another?
4 Slitherhead - If discarded to an "engine", it can also be scavenged for additional usage, with the stockpile, it becomes "1B" for a 3/3 zombie at instant speed with a cantrip.
4 Pack Rat - Great engine. Can help filter out until I get a stockpile, can work nicely with a sideboarded in Obelisk of Urd, helps the deck play without a stockpile.
4 Spiteful Returned - Useful aggressive Zombie, try to bestow when possible.
4 Mogis's Marauder - Possibly too many of these, but they also can finish off a game and give your slitherheads and cheap zombies "haste". Also works very nicely after a Liliana's Reaver.
4 Lifebane Zombie - Best zombie in standard. Hands down.
4 Liliana's Reaver - Great with the Marauder, can be discarded to a Stockpile or Pack Rat if unnecessary, helps clear out giant creatures I can't deal with, does not die to a Courser of Kruphix.
4 Gray Merchant of Asphodel - One of the best cards in standard. And a zombie.
2 Ultimate Price - Targeted removal to deal with those pesky flyers and blockers. Buys some time.
2 Hero's Downfall - Same as the price, helps kill planeswalkers I can't deal with.
4 Necromancer's Stockpile - The engine. Grizzly bears with a cantrip. Bingo.
1 Whip of Erebos - Buys time, good with the Marauder and the Merchant.
3 Obelisk of Urd - I'm actually not sure about this. It is very powerful, but has some really weak matchups, so I currently have it in the sideboard.
4 Duress - Just a simple way to deal with Jund Planeswalkers and U/W control.
3 Dark Betrayal - Because Mono Black and White-Black Midrange are Evil. With a capital E.
3 Gift of Orzhova - Good against an aggro matchup. Stayin' Alive starts playing in the background.
1 Silence the Believers - Good against hexproof.
1 Bile Blight - Nice against many, many decks.
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