OK so this deck is an interesting mono-red I brewed up.
The whole idea is to burn creatures while boosting
Prophetic Flamespeaker
by damaging the opponent until the win is finalized.
So here is a rundown of each card and how it interacts with the deck:
Frenzied Goblin: A nice 1 mana costing creature that also has an incredibly useful ability to keep your opponent from blocking.
Prophetic Flamespeaker
: This is the main attacker of the deck. The 3 mana low cost and its double-strike makes it deadly especially when it gets boosted by almost every card in the deck.
Goblin Rabblemaster: This 3 creature is no stranger to mono-red decks. In this one though, it plays an important role as a token creator which can be used defensively as shields. As for the card itself its +1/0 attack for each creature can make it a late game nightmare for an opponent especially with some combos it has in this deck.
Shaman of the Great Hunt
: This 4 mana creature is mythic rare for a reason and its not its ferocious ability (which is good since It cannot be used in this deck). But the ability to give +1/+1 counters each time a creature deals damage makes this card essential.
Dragon Mantle
: A cheap enchantment to boost the attack of prophetic and seriously overpower your opponent in one attack.
Thunderous Might
: A 2 mana cost enchantment that can seriously damage an opponent when attached to
Prophetic Flamespeaker
Armory of Iroas: This equip is going to boost your attackers each turn and before you know it, can have your
Prophetic Flamespeaker
powerful beyond measure.
Titan's Strength
: If the enchantments aren't working, this card will act as a booster at least for one turn.
All other cards are quick burn cards to help clear the field when needed.
Prophetic Flamespeaker
Thunderous Might
Armory of Iroas
Prophetic Flamespeaker
Prophetic Flamespeaker
Titan's Strength
Prophetic Flamespeaker
Shaman of the Great Hunt
Always happy to receive advice or suggestions. ESPECIALLY for the sideboard. Also Ups are always appreciated. Thanks!
Credit for Help/Suggestions: CommanderMath