Welcome, to the Queen's reign!
The main quest is to win the game as fast as possible with big creatures, swinging for lethal damage while removing creatures or planeswalkers.
For following this path at the best we have the new Abrupt Decay on foot: Vraska, Golgari Queen.
She also makes advantage of tokens or lands you don't need and, can easily finish a game with her ultimate in this shell.
Can we protect our Queen?
Let me introduce you to the power of dead nature!
Destroy, Grow, Kill!
The darkest creatures of the realm:
None of this creature dies to a single Goblin Chainwhirler so, keep calm when you see a mountain!
Carnage Tyrant: A great classic. Anti-control creature, he trample too. This is good with Vraska last ability.
Doom Whisperer: The new demon is here! He can easily win a game by himself. Flying Trample on a 6/6 body is really cool. The Queen's really in love. And he can surveil for only 2 life!
Ghalta, Primal Hunger: With all these high powered creature he's a game changer. Just 1x for him, but he tramples too.
Muldrotha, the Gravetide: Can actually save a late game situation. We have really much permanents, and the ability to take Vraska back each turn is cool with her -2 ability.
Slimefoot, the Stowaway: He's a good 3 drop for making the curve a little smoother in the first turns, but he can act as a mana sink by making tokens for the Queen!
Midnight Reaper: He's in the perfect spot for a 3 drop here. We have not much creatures so we don't risk our game as much as we can take advantage from drawing. Nice one i think.
Thorn Lieutenant: The best 2 drop. He makes tokens if targeted, and he's a 2/3 who can pumps himself lately.
Llanowar Elves: They can accelerate the deck a bit, just to drop big buddies one turn before.
Spells the Queen likes:
Assassin's Trophy: Since we run big creatures, giving the opponent another land in exchange of a useful permanent isn't really an issue. This card is exagerated.
Vraska's Contempt: The Queen needs to express herself! And what a majestic way to express. Coolest unconditional removal of the format.
Chart a Course: Attack and draw two. Or just cast it to filter your hand from unwanted high-drop-cards. Then Muldrotha will do his job.
Vraska, Golgari Queen: Finally the Queen herself. This card is really OP imho. I like the way she can take advantage from tokens or useless lands, gaining little life and drawing a card. The -2 is gold. -9 is EXPLOSIVE. Can we protect her until she finishes the game?
The lands of the realm:
Since this deck is kinda heavy, we must be sure to have at least 6-8 lands on the field. Always. So we run 27 lands, for also being sure of seeing Green or Black in first turns and never miss a land drop.
With Guilds of Ravnica we have the perfect manabase for a Sultai shell!
I also choose to play 1x Evolving Wilds and 1x Field of Ruin, because why not?
Sideboard still non-existent.
This deck is in a really, really raw stage. I kind like the idea I had, but I'm sure this can be improved. Help is really appreciated.
Join the Golgari, and help us accomplishing our quest.
God bless the Queen!