THE BACKSTORY: https://youtu.be/qAUMri0mv8M?t=8s
In an ideal world where I had the cards,
2x center soul, 2x Gods Willing, 4x Utter End
Would turn into
4x Gods Willing, 4x Tragic Downfall
My current instant lineup is a little slower and more expensive RIP.
ALSO, it is very possible that the one true warriors mid-range synergy is in fact.. shudder... abzan. Using Surraks, all the elfs (sun elf!), den protectors, heir of the wilds maybe and then like, CoCo and obv Dromoka's Command.
But I like my warriors elf free.
*This deck may or may not be but in fact is a tribute to the greatest movie ever made.
Here are some of the neat lines I have discovered in this deck:
Turn 2 Chief of the Edge or
Chief of the Scale
into a turn 3 Arashin Foremost into turn 4 Sorin, Solemn Visitor. At this point you will have on turn 4 you will have a pair of 2/3 or 3/2 double strikers. With life link. This combo really does a lot of work as your opponent works to find an answer.
Turn 2 Chief of the Edge or
Chief of the Scale
into turn 3 Chief of the Edge or
Chief of the Scale
- this comes up all the time. Haivng 2 3/3 bodies ready to roll turn 4 is pretty good. By Turn 4 you should have an answer - removal, protection or something like sorin or an arashin foremost to turn it up to 11. A non trivial amount of the time you will land a pair of
Chief of the Scale
and suddenly your warriors will be out of shock / bolt range.
Blood-Chin Fanatic
is a great finisher. You can do the whole nantuko husk thing without having to get past a blocker - but it does cost mana. So when you need to push through that last little bit of damage, you can sac the warrior that just got blocked by Dragonlord Atarka getting some extra value. Also a 3/3 body for 3 that has tribal synergy is no joke.
Dragonscale General
- Just a 1 of to keep things spicy, but if we get this out and our opponent does not have an answer, there is a good chance things are going to get silly. Both Chiefs as well as Arashin Foremost allow us to start attacking into things early. Bloodsoaked Champion provides us some recursion - that can also power this affect regardless of consequence.
Sign in Blood - rarely am I sad to see this card. It is good early when you have awkward mana and need something to do. It is good later on when you are running out of gas and need to reload. If you have 4 or 5 mana up, you can tap out for 2 and most likely play out something you drew. And of course, if all you need to win is 2 points, it can be used as a shock.
Final takeaway: The thing that makes warriors so good is that removing any one warrior does not do a ton to stop this deck, so our opponents are forced into making bad decisions about what to do with their removal. This deck should be played midrange with a keen eye towards discovering the beat down as this deck can pivot from controlling to aggressive and back again fairly easily.