Want to be a Timmy in Modern? Now a turn 3 Progenitus or Worldspine Wurm isn't just a dream!
The deck's basic game plan is to cast
Dramatic Entrance
or Through the Breach to flash in fatty, then swing in and win! Worldspine Wurm is our fatty of choice when using Through the Breach since it leaves presents behind, but Progenitus is resistant to removal and will have a larger impact when he enters dramatically.
Our ramp options are fairly standard. Arbor Elf with Utopia Sprawl for value. We also use Devoted Druid and Pentad Prism to ramp twice, allowing us to get to that magical turn 3 fatty by itself.
Summoner's Pact is a free tutor for every creature in our deck. I would recommend finding fatties with it, but feel free to find that Arbor Elf you need in order to hardcast a Worldspine Wurm if that is what the situation demands. We can also go for the value plays of finding Thragtusk to play a more fair game. Ruric Thar, the Unbowed is a small attempt to beat combo decks or punish other spell heavy decks.
Thragtusk just gives us pure value against aggressive decks. The five life gives us a good buffer when playing against burn style decks, and he replaces himself when he dies.
Raging Ravine helps us get through control decks. Many decks can't handle a manland crashing in every turn.
Courser of Kruphix saves us some life and helps us find the lands we need. We can also control what we draw by using fetchlands and Summoner's Pacts to shuffle away ramp cards or duplicate
Dramatic Entrance
Ancient Grudge, because we really want to get those affinity players! Best to target their high value targets rather than the lower impact cards.
Blood Moon punishes players who prefer their manabases complicated rather than basic. Also great for shutting off manlands and turning Eye of Ugin into an expensive tutor with no upside.
Boseiju, Who Shelters All to shut down counterspells. I find this better than
Guttural Response
because it still allows the turn 3 fatty with protection.
to give a big middle finger to those aggro players. Currently not sure if this is better than Pyroclasm, feel free to discuss!
Kitchen Finks helps us get lower to the ground against aggressive decks. The lifegain and the ability to live through our Firespouts makes it very potent.
Relic of Progenitus to hit graveyard decks. It also cantrips, which is convenient.
Slaughter Games
lets us beat the combo decks, since we have few ways of interacting with them. Exiling all of their Scapeshifts or Ad Nauseams can make it difficult for them to combo kill us.
All feedback would be appreciated. Sideboard suggestions are also welcome.