"Thus spoke the Raven, nevermore..."
This is my spin on mono-black the The Rack/Shrieking Affliction/Liliana's Caress deck with a green splash for what I think is a great synergy.
Raven's Crime + Life from the Loam
Upon collection of these two cards, I can infinitely recur Raven's Crime using retrace and lock an opponent out of the game fast, then let The Rack, Shrieking Affliction, and Liliana's Caress do their dirty work.
The Discard Package
I chose Raven's Crime because of the recursion potential.
Wrench Mind over Thoughtseize because I want to get the most value out of each spell, Thoughtseize and Inquisition of Kozilek just don't do the job fast enough.
Smallpox is good against aggro decks, and with Dakmor Salvage and Life from the Loam, it is usually always asymmetrical. Liliana of the Veil needs no explanation.
Liliana Vess is our curve topper, recurring targeted discard and tutor on-a-stick, and possible wincon against creature decks.
The Control Package
Night's Whisper helps keep my hand full when I need that extra reach.
Damnation helps keep creature decks in check.
Maelstrom Pulse is useful versus tokens and pesky otherwise hard to remove permanents.
Abrupt Decay because this is a BG deck, after all.
Liliana of the Veil - see above under The Discard Package
The Kill Conditions
Once their hand is empty, Shrieking Affliction and The Rack finish the job. Also, locking the board down and draining them with Deathrite Shaman is an alternate kill.
Other Utilities
Deathrite Shaman is awesome ramp, gy hate, and recurring damage/lifegain.
Life from the Loam helps me to never miss a needed land drop, fuels Raven's Crime, and can allow for infinite recursion of Tectonic Edge against greedy decks.
Tectonic Edge - kills manlands, nails Tron, and helps lock 3 color decks out of the game. Great with Life from the Loam.
Dakmor Salvage - normally a terrible land, in here it provides an additional recurring source for Raven's Crime, and if I'm forced to play it, is great to dump to Smallpox.
The Sideboard
Pithing Needle to help with annoying things like manlands and Deathrite Shaman trying to exile my Raven's Crime.
Maelstrom Pulse - sometimes two just isn't enough.
Infest to help against aggro decks.
Kitchen Finks to help against super fast aggro decks and burn decks (one of the few weaknesses of this deck), to gain a little life and get some great block and swing value.
Surgical Extraction and Extirpate to punish combo decks and exile counterspell packages against control decks.
Nature's Claim because it is the best green artifact/enchantment removal, and certain things like Leylines and troublesome artifacts (there are plenty of them) can really hamper me.
Anything you guys could suggest to tighten it up? Feel free to discuss the idea and be sure to give those +1's! Thanks for viewing! So far in testing it has been brutal against casual decks, interested to know how you guys think it would compete.