Okay guys and girls, I am in love with this work of art. This deck has 5 infinite combos and more in the side board that can be swapped in when your opponent decides to try and counter you. Lets take a look shall we?
Academy Ruins+Mindslaver = Infinite Turns
Krark-Clan Ironworks+any Egg+Faith's Reward= Mana
Repeat the above combo until you have 21+ mana and drop a Banefire on the table and walk away.
Wurmcoil Engine+Krark-Clan Ironworks+Faith's Reward= Extra Bodies
Credit to /Jonasdash on Reddit for the leg work on this a while back cause I wasn't gunna type this one out for everyone, This is the
Conjurer's Bauble
+Codex Shredder+Faith's Reward and the Infinite Swans Combo.
"Playing the deck can be quite complicated, but hopefully this will give you a clearer understanding of how to perform various loops and how to explain them to your opponents.
Relevant artifacts in play:Darksteel Citadel Lotus Bloom
Conjurer's Bauble
Codex Shredder Krark-Clan Ironworks
Relevant cards in hand:Faith's Reward
Cards in Library:None
Cards in Graveyard:Do not matter
Infinite mana
Tap Citadel for manaSac Citadel for manaSac Lotus for manaSac Codex Shredder for manaSac Krark-Clan Ironworks for mana
This gives you 10 mana, 3 of which can be any color you choose, one of which must be white.
Cast Faith's Reward to return all the artifacts you just sacrificed. Use Conjurer's Bauble to return Faith's Reward to the bottom of your library, since it's now the only card in your library you will draw Faith's Reward.
Relevant artifacts in play:Darksteel Citadel Lotus Bloom Codex Shredder Krark-Clan Ironworks
Relevant cards in hand:Faith's Reward
Cards in Library:None
Relevant cards in Graveyard:
Conjurer's Bauble
You can repeat this loop, netting 6 mana each time. (sac the artifacts, cast Faith's Reward and Bauble it back)
Infinite milling
Same as above, just tap Codex Shredder to mill a card before you sacrifice it.
Infinite Swans
Relevant artifacts in play: [Conjurer's Bauble] [Codex Shredder] [Krark-Clan Ironworks]
Relevant cards in hand:Faith's Reward Swan Song
Cards in Library:None
Cards in Graveyard:Do not matter
Remember, at this point you have infinite mana. Color is not an issue since each iteration you looped previously includes 3 mana of any color from Lotus Bloom.
Cast Faith's RewardCounter with Swan SongGet a 2/2 BirdUse Conjurer's Bauble to return Faith's Reward to the bottom of your library, since it's now the only card in your library you will draw Faith's Reward.Use Codex Shredder's 2nd ability to return Swan Song to your hand.Cast Faith's Reward
<-----> LOOP POINT <-----> (we'll get to this in a moment)
Relevant artifacts in play:
Conjurer's Bauble
Codex Shredder Krark-Clan Ironworks
Relevant cards in hand: Swan Song
Cards in Library:None
Relevant cards in Graveyard: Faith's Reward
Use Conjurer's Bauble to return Faith's Reward to the bottom of your library, since it's now the only card in your library you will draw Faith's Reward.Cast Faith's RewardCounter with Swan SongGet a 2/2 BirdUse Codex Shredder's 2nd ability to return Faith's Reward to your hand.Cast Faith's Reward
Relevant artifacts in play:
Conjurer's Bauble
Codex Shredder Krark-Clan Ironworks
Relevant cards in hand:None
Cards in Library:None
Relevant cards in Graveyard: Faith's Reward Swan Song
Use Conjurer's Bauble to return Faith's Reward to the bottom of your library, since it's now the only card in your library you will draw Faith's Reward.Use Codex Shredder's 2nd ability to return Swan Song to your hand.Cast Faith's Reward
Return to <-----> LOOP POINT <-----> and repeat."
What I did is take my two favorite decks and threw them together to get this beauty. Mono-Blue Tron and Eggs.
What I got from that is many many many many many many combos, and boy do I LOVE combos.This deck has gotten consistent turn 4 wins and shifts so dramatically that if your opponent decides to side to beat out your combos you can shift into a mostly tron based deck with the Mindslaver+Academy Ruins combo or just use your Wurmcoil Engine to beat face. The Walkers are going to be added into the board, I just haven't figured out what to cut yet. Thats where I'd like some help.
In the Side there is the Sword of the Meek+Thopter Foundry combo as well.Currently up for consideration at the moment is Laboratory Maniac just to go and deck myself and win the game that way or if I really want to be a jerk I can throw a Platinum Angel in to make sure that plan would go through even in the event of an aggro matchup. Thoughts?
I also apologize for the crappy description, I am very new to the whole posting thing and this is my first attempt at an actual description. Feel free to leave a comment and a +1 if you like the deck. I really want to hear some thoughts about this deck and how I could improve on it. Ive had vairied success. I took down a modern event at my locals the other day and it faired pretty well against elves (2-1 my win), R/U/g Delver (2-0 Win), and even shut out R/G Tron (1-0 he got up and left, flipped the table.) The deck is pretty janky but my one match loss came from the glory that is pure blue tron and I cant complain, he countered my spells and prevented me from getting my stuff back post sac so it has its flaws but if you sac enough artifacts you can still beat em out with Banefire. I will keep yall posted on my scoring with this deck, its just so much fun to watch it go off and even when it doesnt you still feel like you can do things and thats what keeps the deck going. Oh they shut down your graveyard, well sac all your stuff and go for broke with a couple Wurmcoil Engine, oh they shut down your graveyard, took out your Wurmcoil Engine and only have one card in hand? Best hope you swapped in that Laboratory Maniac MY point is there are ways to win even when you go for broke on one combo.