
"Let me play among the stars"

In other words, listen to this song while looking at this deck ;)

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Hello there, and welcome to my Trelasarra, Moon Dancer build.

Deck Premise

This is a more casual brew for FNM. At its core it's a soul sisters deck. The focus is on lifegain effects that trigger often, allowing us to scry regularly. This deck seeks to make use of this engine through the following means:

  • Growing our commander, making use of some power matters cards and evasion-granting effects for Commander damage KO's
  • Manipulating the top of our deck to get value
  • Stacking up lifegain triggers for value

Game Plan

The main game plan with the deck is to assemble one or more value engines. A nice example that this deck can accumulate is combining a token maker, like Attended Healer with an effect that gives us life when a creature enters, like Soul Warden. These can give us a lot of tokens and grow our commander to a threatening size quite quickly. It gets even better with a card like Lurking Predators, who's creatures we hit trigger the warden, making us scry deeper to hit the next creature.

An aspect to Trelasarra that I really liked over similar life-gain commanders is the scry ability, granting us control over what’s on top of our library and gaining value from that through cards like Augur of Autumn, Oracle of Mul Daya and the before mentioned Lurking Predators. This gives Trelasarra a nice twist and provides another avenue to gameplay than just the “gain life + profit” approach.

We can win through combat by generating a lot of tokens and then pumping them with something like Akroma's Will or through Commander damage. Approach of the Second Sun presents an on-theme alternative wincon every now and then, but I ended up removing it because of how hard it is to interact with it. I also avoided alternative life-base wincons such like Felidar Sovereign.

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There is also a +1/+1 counter subtheme in here that I'll probably keep tweaking a bit. It's a nice bonus, but since this isn't a Lathiel, the Bounteous Dawn deck, I didn't go overboard with those synergies. Still, cards like Animation Module and Archangel of Thune are great includes here.

A similar thing can be said about the power matter cards. It's a great thing to get every once in a while, but since Trelasalla, Moon Dancer can be removed so easily, I found it too risky to lean further into the power matters theme here. Yet, landing that Rishkar's Expertise or Traverse the Outlands is just too good value to pass up :).

Some other great cards that I want to highlight for Trelasarra builds are Cleric Class, Scholar of New Horizons, Lifegift, Powerleech, Leonin Elder, Terminus and Overwhelming Stampede.

Deckbuilding Considerations

For the deck’s mana curve I tried limiting the number of cards in de 2-cmc slot. I want to be casting my commander on turn 2 every game, so I prioritized 1 and 3 mana value cards over 2-mana equivalents.

The deck also runs little tutors and no infinite combos by design. So no Spike Feeder or Walking Ballista here on purpose. I wanted to create a fun synergistic build, but at a moderate power level. The tutors that I did include can go fetch some nice 1-drops to get better access to lifegain enablers.

Intended Power Level

Category (Jank - Low - Mid - High - Competitive)


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Thanks for checking out this casual brew! And let me know if you think of any nice cards that could find a home in here.

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Revision 54 See all

(3 months ago)

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 2 years ago
Date added 3 years
Last updated 2 months

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

53 - 0 Rares

23 - 0 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.06
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Cat 1/1 W, Elf Warrior 1/1 G, Food, Fungus Beast 4/4 G, Horse 5/5 W, Raccoon 3/3 G, Servo 1/1 C, Treasure, Vampire 1/1 W, Warrior 1/1 W
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