If you know anything about Tron, you know that it can chew through artifacts like a wood chipper, sending cards like
Chromatic Star and
Chromatic Sphere into the graveyard with a surprising amount of speed. I've decided to couple that incidental graveyard filling with more of the same, and pulling double duty with
Satyr Wayfinder. Our new best friend (and Yoda impersonator) allows us to find any of the 3 lands we need to assemble our mana engine, while also fueling our
Hooting Mandrills to help us establish what is hopefully an overwhelming board presence that our opponent must answer. Having an early creature to help block an aggressive opponent can let you set up a turn later, playing your cheap, card-drawing artifacts and cycling them both on turn 3. If you accidentally flush a win condition down the toilet with your early Wayfinder, don't worry my good friends, because this deck plays the full playset of
Reclaim to feed my greedy heart.
You might feel like you're doing something to hurt your chance of winning when a Wayfinder pitches 4 nonland cards to the graveyard and you don't hit the Tron piece you need, but remember that having a target in your graveyard for
Reclaim turns your single green mana into a tutor for any of those good cards you didn't get to draw! The games where you get to play Magic (meaning you don't get mana screwed or mulligan to 4) consist of as few as 5 or 6 turns, or as many as 8 or 9 in some cases. In any of these games where you live past turn 5 and cast a few spells, you're
Reclaim becomes a valuable tool in the struggle to beat your opponent. Recurring
Lightning Bolt a few times can subdue the Delver decks, and any opponent who is looking to play the midrange creature game is going to be staring down some heavy lifters on your side of the board. I don't think too many pauper decks are showing up to the fight with 8/8 Eldrazi dudes with Annihilator.