Looking for help and suggestions to make this deck better, especially against the burn matchup!
List of eggs:
Chromatic Star: The best 1 mana egg that we have. Color filter, and the draw is tied to this card hitting the graveyard. This means you can draw a card off of sacrificing this to KCI
Chromatic Sphere
: Almost as good as chromatic sphere. Also, the draw effect is tied to the mana ability, so this draw cannot be responded to.
Conjurer's Bauble
: Basically a free draw a card effect that can occasionally save a card in your graveyard. It's good to note that the ability says put up to one card, so you don't need to target anything.
Ichor Wellspring: Basically 2 draws for free with a Krark-Clan Ironworks out.
Prophetic Prism: A good 2 mana egg that is great for color fixing.
Elsewhere Flask: An ok 2 mana egg sometimes the sac ability can become relevant in order to draw more cards with Faith's Reward or Open the Vaults.
Mind Stone: Good mana acceleration, really can help to go off turn 3.
Engine Cards:
Krark-Clan Ironworks: The heart and soul of this deck. With this out, you can generate a ton of mana and card draw by saccing all of your eggs along with itself.
Open the Vaults: Returns all enchantments and artifacts from all graveyards to the battlefield no matter when they were put there. Allowing you to aggressively sacrifice your eggs to dig for lands or other eggs, knowing that you will just get them all back.
Faith's Reward
: Returns everything that you have sacrificed or that was destroyed this turn. Allowing you to draw more cards from ETB abilities. The instant speed allows you to respond to cards like Relic of Progenitus to save some of your cards. I've found myself casting OTV just to bait out the saccing of relic just so i can respond to it with Faith's Reward. Then you let the relic resolve and sacrifice everything to get it back with the first OTV.
Tezzeret the Seeker : Acts as a fifth KCI or if you have that out, you can grab an Ichor Wellspring to draw more cards. If you are using his minus ability it is usually better to -4 him even if you are just getting a 2 mana egg because using
Faith's Reward
can bring him back as well.
Win Cons:
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn: An uncouterable beatstick. If this resolves turn 3 to 5, you will usually win, as most decks can't deal with this once most of their lands have been sacrificed.
: A second uncouterable spell that will just win the game if it resolves. Be sure to bounce any Spellskite your opponent might have before casting this spell.
Tezzeret the Seeker : I have not had to use his ultimate yet, but with the amount of artifacts you can get into play, his ultimate should be lethal.
Urza's Tower
Urza's Power Plant
, and Urza's Mine: Tron is great at allowing us to combo off turn 3. Also, I have had games where i just hardcast Emrakul, the Aeons Torn on turn 6 with 3 towers, 2 mines and a power plant out. As nice as all the extra mana is when this gets assembled, it is also great at having people bring in sideboard hate to deal with these cards. Blood Moon is a card this deck doesn't care about since tron is not the main mana engine and your opponent taking a turn off to cast it helps us out a ton.
Adarkar Wastes: Provides us with both colors that we really need in this deck. Stony Silence can be a pain to deal with, but with this card we have
Echoing Truth
maindecked to deal with this card, along with Swan Song to counter it and Erase to exile it in the sideboard.
Island and Plains: Here as protection against Blood Moon and Ghost Quarter.
After playing this deck for a few months, I have come to realize that with all the cantripping this deck offers, you can mulligan kind of greedily. I have won 2 out of 3 games mulling to 2 cards. You will mull a lot with this deck because of the low land count, but don't be afraid to keep a 1 land hand that contains a chromatic and a bauble, as this will give you 3 draws to find a land on your second turn. (Turn 1 play chromatic, turn 2 draw card for turn, crack chromatic, draw card, play bauble, crack bauble, draw a card.) I have won many games using this line.
Don't be afraid to aggressively sacrifice your eggs just to draw cards, OTV will be your best friend!
Burn is almost unbeatable with this deck.
Eidolon of the Great Revel
is your worst nightmare. With all the cheap cantripping, this guy will kill you quickly. The best thing to do game one is to try and hold onto or draw into an
Echoing Truth
so you can bounce it then combo off. Game 2, you have Leyline of Sanctity, Pyroclasm, Erase, and Swan Song to deal with this deck, with the latter 3 to help with the eidolon.
People will over sideboard against this deck because they assume Blood Moon is good against us. The cards to watch out for are Rest in Peace and Stony Silence, Basically, if you are playing against a white deck, they will board these in. So always bring in the Swan Song and Erase to try to deal with these cards. Rest in Peace is a little easier to win around, just don't sacrifice aggressively and that will help you.