
Sorcery (7)

Creature (4)

Instant (4)


Instant (2)

Enchantment (1)

Creature (1)


In this deck, the main idea is to use the surveil mechanic to find a copy of Etrata, the Silencer. We will attempt to achieve her win-con through copying her with Lazav, the Multifarious or Helm of the Host, or bouncing her back to our hand right after the exile goes on the stack, and then play her again the very next turn. Against control the shell is the same, but we will swap out Etrata, the Silencer for Thief of Sanity, and try and mill them out, stealing their own win-cons/defense and using it against them. The shell is a dimir discard shell. The only difference is that instead of outright killing creatures with killspells, we bounce them too, as ideally we want Etrata, the Silencer to exile them. She cannot do that if they are dead. Our entire sideboard comes in in the control matchup, as we will no longer need any bounce spells once we make the win-con swap.

Accordion currently going through some updates:

For the deck engine, we are using the classic dimir Disinformation Campaign/surveil engine to find and play our win-cons. A side-effect of this engine also forces opponents into topdeck mode earlier than they would like.
Our win-con in game 1, and against non-control decks will be to get Etrata, the Silencer to achieve its win-con ASAP. For this we are running a playset of Etrata, the Silencer so we can find her as fast as possible. We are also running Lazav, the Multifarious and Helm of the Host to make as many copies of her as possible. Adding to this we have a cute little interaction between Etrata, the Silencer and bounce mechanics. So what you do is you attack, then as soon as the exile goes on the stack you bounce Etrata, the Silencer back to your hand. This avoids having to shuffle her back into your library, so you have easy access to her again. For this we are running a total of 8 bounce spells.

Mulligan or not?

So ideally we want a copy of Etrata, the Silencer in hand, but Disinformation Campaign and some surveil mechanics will also do, as we can find her while making out opponents discard a bunch of cards.

Our means to deal with creatures are really cheap, peaking at 3 cmc. The spells are carefully chosen as to avoid killing our own creatures in the process. Now i know that a majority of the ways we can deal with creatures is by bouncing them, and this would normally be suboptimal, but hear me out. We actually dont want to kill their creatures with conventional killspells. killing a creature means we have 1 target less for Etrata, the Silencer. I would rather slow them down until i can have Etrata, the Silencer deal with them.

Etrata, the Silencer: This is our win-con. It is a 4 3/5 legendary which means it survives or dodges stuff like Lightning Strike, Cast Down and Ritual of Soot. It has unblockable which means our opponent has limited answers to an attack. It deals with a creature as it attacks, which is great, but it is an even trade since you have to move her from the battlefield as well. The difference is that if you do this 3 times, you just win the game, no strings attached.

Lazav, the Multifarious: This card is here for 1 reason. It allows you to make more copies of Etrata, the Silencer. More copies mean better chances of winning the game.

Helm of the Host: This card is here for the same reason as Lazav, the Multifarious, and that is to increase the amount of Etrata, the Silencer we have. What is nice about this card is it strips the copies of the legendary title, which means you can have as many as you want. you can keep them up as blockers, and then once you have 3 you just go for the win.

Blink of an Eye: This card has a duel purpose, with a potential third purpose. Firstly, it bounces Etrata, the Silencer back to our hand, which allows us to have immediate access to another copy. Secondly it allows us to limit the size of our opponent's board by bouncing their creatures back to hand. This is actually better than killing them, since we need those creatures as targets for card:Etrata, the multifarious, so we dont want them dead. Finally we can kick it later on for card advantage. This bad-boy is also not limited to creatures, so we can deal enchantments, artifacts and plainswalkers too!

Unexplained Disappearance: This card does the same as Blink of an Eye, which is bouncing Etrata, the Silencer to power up our win-con, and slowing our opponents down by bouncing their creatures. The difference is that we get to surveil 1 immidiately. No strings attached. It is limited to creatures though.

Dream Eater: This card does exactly what we want it to do. It surveils a ton, so we can find the win-cons. It bounces a permanent upon entrance, which is great, and this also makes a great target for Helm of the Host.

Disinformation Campaign: This allows us to weaken our opponent's hand while strengthening ours. It is slow in doing this, but a 2 card swing a turn is nothing to laugh at. This ensures a great draw phase. One thing to mention is that once our opponent is in topdeck mode, bouncing a creature before you play this basically acts as a killspell. This helps against nasty enter the battlefield mechanics we may not want to see again.

Thought Erasure: This scouts our opponents hand and deals with the biggest threat. it also surveils so that we can replay Disinformation Campaign or at the very least get 1 card closer to finding out win-con.

Discovery / Dispersal: This card can surveil and draw, which makes it a really good card for finding our win-cons. Later on it also adds to the while bounce/discard theme we got going on. Once they are topdecking, this is basically a kill-spell.

Golden Demise: This deals with wide boards of tokens, while not touching our creatures at all. I chose this above Ritual of Soot as Ritual of Soot kills Lazav, the Multifarious as well. This one avoids to do that as long as Lazav, the Multifarious is a copy of something.

Moment of Craving: This card deals with small creatures while giving us a bit of life. Something this deck can run into is lifepoint problems agaisnt fast decks, especially red aggro. This card not only deals with a creature but also heals back up whatever damage the creature dealt. at the very least you can negate the damage from a 4/4 by reducing their attack to 2, and then healing 2 more, leaving their attack to deal no damage.

So against control decks this deck kind of falls apart in the sense that Etrata, the Silencer has no targets to exile, so it has to fight through the 20 lifepoints, which can be incredibly difficult. Our bounce spells also become useless since they wont help us win and they wont avoid a loss. This means we have 12 dead cards in game 1, and yeah...we lose that game 14/15 times. Because of this, our entire sideboard comes in against control, and it completely changes how this deck goes about winning.

Thief of Sanity: We replace Etrata, the Silencer with this badboy, as there is nothing more frustrating for control than playing against their own cards while slowly being milled out, all the while having to discard cards along the way. Yes peeps, we are changing Turbo-Etrata into Turbo-Thief of sanity. Our bounce spells are only defense at this point, as Thief of Sanity cannot use it to win at all, and there wont be many opposing targets for them. This means most if not all of them comes out.

Unmoored Ego: Exiling all the copies of the biggest threats...yes please. This card can come in against any deck, but in the control matchup we will target their win-cons. If they cannot win, they have to lose.

Negate: A great anti-counter/kill/planeswalker spell. This card is one of two staple cards against control.

Duress: The other staple anti-control card. This one further allows us to scout our opponents deck and reduce its strength.


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Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years
Exclude colors WRG

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

14 - 8 Rares

10 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.00
Tokens City's Blessing, Copy Clone
Folders Interesting
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