This is my version of albino_ninja's mono-red Polymorph deck. The main point of this deck is to use Indomitable Creativity on goblin token(s) to get Emrakul, the Aeons Torn and/or Platinum Angel/Iona, Shield of Emeria on the battlefield by turn 3. If all else fails, you have Ormendahl, Profane Prince as your backup.
This is how Good Ol' Emrakul can be summoned turn 3:
Turn 1: Mountain
Turn 2: Mountain -> Dragon Fodder or Krenko's Command
Turn 3: Mountain -> Desperate Ritual -> Indomitable Creativity, reveal cards until you hit Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, "exile" her, shuffle your library, and put her onto the battlefield
This deck can also produce both Emrakul, the Aeons Torn and Platinum Angel/Iona, Shield of Emeria by turn 3. First, you should probably sideboard Platinum Angel and/or Iona, Shield of Emeria into your main board (I suggest using Platinum Angel against aggro and combo decks and Iona against mono-colored decks; use Platinum Angel and Iona if it is both). Then, your turns should look something like this:
Turn 1: Mountain
Turn 2: Mountain -> Dragon Fodder or Krenko's Command
Turn 3: Mountain -> Desperate Ritual -> Desperate Ritual -> Indomitable Creativity, reveal cards until you hit Emrakul, the Aeons Torn and Platinum Angel/Iona, Shield of Emeria, "exile" them, shuffle your library, and put them onto the battlefield
Now you can't lose and your opponents can't win... and you have a 15/15 with Annihilator 6 and Protection from virtually everything! Alternatively, your opponents can't cast spells... and you have a 15/15 with Anihilator 6 and Protection from virtually everything! On turn 3!!! If you decide to take out Emrakul, the Aeons Torn and use both Platinum Angel and Iona, Shield of Emeria then you can't lose, your opponents can't win, and your opponents can't do anything about it due to their lack of casting spells! Turn 3!!!!!
If all else fails, there's always The Great and Powerful Ormendahl! Behold, the grand finale, turn 4 Ormendahl, Profane Prince:
Turn 1: Mountain
Turn 2: Mountain -> Dragon Fodder or Krenko's Command
Turn 3: Mountain -> Hordeling Outburst
Turn 4: Westvale Abbey
-> Desperate Ritual -> Desperate Ritual, sacrifice 5 goblin tokens, and transform Westvale Abbey
into Ormendahl, Profane Prince. Untap Ormendahl and wreak havoc upon your defenseless opponent! Mwa ha ha ha!!!
The rest of the deck is for card draw, like Tormenting Voice and Faithless Looting, so you can always get the cards that you need. Once you have Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, Platinum Angel, Iona, Shield of Emeria, and/or Ormendahl, Profane Prince on the battlefield, you will almost always win. This deck has beaten a Rat Colony deck merely by summoning goblin tokens, so if you happen to not draw the exact cards you need don't give up! If this deck isn’t in your budget, you can take out the Desperate Ritual, Westvale Abbey
, Iona, Shield of Emeria, and Platinum Angel for a $60 turn 3 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn deck. For a more consistent win, check out Polymorph, the Indomitable (U/R Turn 3 Emrakul). Feedback and Suggestions are appreciated!