Original idea from torridushttp://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/demonic-torpor/
Just a few adjustments I thought would make it more effective. I believe Geralf's messanger and gravecrawler are still necessary in a standard black deck, even if torpor orb treads on GM's feet.
Gravecrawler is the strongest 1 drop Black has by far, and I don't think it is good for the deck to deny it's early game because of a lack of zombies. I'm testing with
Diregraf Ghoul
and Despise for an alternate 1-drop, as despise seems to be well positioned with the release of Cavern of Souls, making it seem to blank alot less often then when control was popular. If not, DG is an easy replacement.
Geralf's Messenger is a must. It completes many hands that are absent Torpor Orb or its friends. I don't think the awkward hand of having messenger, orb and pit dweller is as disastorous as people believe. If you have 4 swamp Orb, Dweller, GM, you play out orb then pit and then GM, and still mantain an absurd board presence without the extra damage.
Cullin Dais is not only Torpor Orb 5&6, it's an effective tool at keeping your game plan on target. It continuously will be sac'ing dudes for value, and then cashes in with more cards. I can't stress how amazing this is.
Liliana of the Veil is fantastic when she is good, but miserable when she is bad. I'm on the fence between her and Geth's Verdict, which is never as much a blank as liliana. For now, it's Geth's Verdict.
Phantasmal Image is bonkers, and anyone who doesn't splash for this either doesn't have the cash, or is ignorant. Everything has undying, it's two mana, math that up.
As much as I'd love Mid range Mono-black to be a thing, I think focusing on how fast and resilient the creatures are is the way to go.