

This deck is simple enough. Have a versatile mana base, enchant creatures by turn 3, and swing for big damage. You really need to be swinging by turn 3, and I'd seriously consider taking a mulligan down to 5 if I don't draw a Pilgrim.

Abundant Growth, Avacyn's Pilgrim: These two cards help to stabilize my mana base, and ramp during turns one and two. Very important, and makes playing the variety of cards here difficult without them.

Ethereal Armor: Staple card behind this deck. This card just scales so much off the rest of the cheap enchants, that this deck wouldn't be possible without it.

Curiosity: Card advantage, and fodder for Etheral Armor.

Spectral Flight: +2/+2 and fodder for Etheral Armor. Also gives evasion to creatures that aren't my lovely stalkers, and allows my Pilgrims to survive being blocked by most turn 3 flyers if it comes to that.

Unflinching Courage: Sustainability through life link, also keeps pesky token decks and aggro decks under control with trample. +2/+2 and fodder for Etheral Armor.

Invisible Stalker: Prime target for all the enchants. Very hard to stop a T2 Stalker.

Silverblade Paladin: T3 drop that gives my Stalker double strike? Hard to say no to.

Fencing Ace: Comes with double strike. My swap him out with Champion of the Parish.

Oblivion Ring: GREAT spot removal that is also fodder for my Etheral Armors. Detention Sphere on the side board for replacement against pesky token decks.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 4 Rares

24 - 4 Uncommons

12 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.87
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