It's Thrullin' Time!
Mostly a fun deck I've wanted to make for awhile, it's built using 93/94 era cards, and when I look online most resources clearly state Fallen Empires counts for 93/94 (seeing as it's got the 94 on the bottom, it even makes sense), and the deck is very heavily influenced by Fallen Empires, with a few other random cards tossed in. I love how janky it feels, but while Bottomless Vaults are bad, they can generate a lot of mana, that said I do feel like I want another Swamp or two in here, maybe I'll take out 2 Basal Thrulls for swamps, that seems fairly lateral. Armor Thrulls don't do a ton of work in most matches, I could probably replace them with lands if I wanted, maybe put them in the sideboard instead to use (though tbh wouldn't I always prefer Thrull Retainer? It's almost as much buff and Regenerates the creatures).
The Sideboard has some colour hosers, including Thrull Wizard (I did not get this card at first, but it's actually hilarious if you have a slightly bigger board already), and a few cards that I sometimes want, but don't usually don't for whatever reason. Kormus Bell is there as an emergency source of creatures as an alternative to a Breeding Pit, Ashes is there if I need board clearing, especially nice if I'm worried about reanimation. Retainer is there for decks that can somehow destroy my creatures that matter, especially Thrull Champion, so it goes in vs Burn potentially. It can also shield an Ebon Praetor, which is nearly semi-Boltable. Weakness is atm a placeholder, we'll see if I can think of something less bad.
The Maybeboard reflects my thinking about making this more of a reanimation deck, where I reanimate a big beater that I sustain via Breeding Pit tokens, the clunky mana base would also offer a hard cast in a pinch, even for a Lord of the Pit. Animate Dead is interesting with Hymn and Mindstab Thrull, if I can make opponent's pitch a relevant creature, I can just steal it and probably win quite quickly with the huge power boost. The extra Jalum Tomes would help me pitch big creatures, but I'd like to think of some other ways to get them in the bin potentially, I'm sure there are others?