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*UPDATED* Huntsmaster Werewolves







The following is why I think this deck works:

First, the idea of the deck is basically, get lots of creatures on the field, transform them, pump them all, and stick trample on them. Each card works in this deck because:



Birds of Paradise: This card is always a good card in any green ramp deck, or in general mixing colors. He makes for a great way to possibly get my creatures out earlier, mana fix, or even just get MORE creatures out.

Curse of Stalked Prey : This card is cool because in late game or even early on, it adds to the threat of my creatures, constantly making the opponent scramble for a board wipe or some sort of creature removal.

Full Moon's Rise: This card is SO underrated it is unbelievable. Anycard that is two mana, and gives all of my creatures trample, and a plus to power is perfect... and on top of it, I can just sac it to regenerate all of my werewolves, just as a sort of insurance in case I make a bad attack... or just to make that overbearing attack that crushes my opponent!

Green Sun's Zenith: I can pluck practically any creature out of my deck by turn 4 or 5... so no matter what, life is good.

Huntsmaster of the Fells: This card is really cool because he generates tokens, heals you, and when he flips, he becomes a trampler and does 2 burn and 2 removal to your opponent. That is really nice!

Immerwolf : This wolf is considered the lord of werewolves/wolves. He is great because he gives a plus to both creature types, he has intimidate so he can bypass Black, White, or Blue creatures, which is extremely important in this meta where white and blue are heavily dominant. In addition, he has the ability to make non-Human Werewolves not transformable, which hinders Huntmaster of the Fells   ' abilities, but keeps your stronger flips, flipped. :D

Kruin Outlaw   : This guy is great because 2 first strike damage is extremely beneficial in the meta against token decks, but the flip side of him, Terror of Kruin Pass   can devastate the opponent... first 6 damage from his double strike, then, all of my creatures aren't blockable except by two or more creatures... almost like some sort of pseudo-trample. Keep in mind I would probably have some +1/+1 effects as well!

Mayor of Avabruck   : The mayor is a super lord, helping your unflipped wolves, and your flipped ones by generating tokens and giving plusses to both types of wolves... again, another way to pump up at that army!

Moonmist: this card is perfect in late game when my opponent is sure to be casting quite a few spells, it lets me transform my guys, and if Immerwolf is out, my opponent is screwed because they aren't going back to their "weaker" forms... in addition, it kind of gives my creatures a first strike since it prevents all damage to them, but not by them... so I can block all of those Sorin, Lord of Innistrad Token's... prevent the damage... kill the tokens... transform all of my weenies into player killing machines!

Rampant Growth: This card is just in here as a placeholder, but many a time it has been useful to help me get the exact color of mana i needed in case I was "mana-screwed"...

Wurmcoil Engine: I wasn't too sure about this card and I originally had other plans for these two slots... in my fnm on 2/10/12... I only used the Wurmcoil once but he won me the game... so for now he will stay, but I may try other things and take other people's suggestions! :D

Young Wolf: This guy is a perfect blocker, G for 1/1 that comes back to life... this is technically 8 wolves... and in the late game they are probably getting pumped by several of my other beaters so yeah, tell me im wrong!

Mountain, Forest, Rootbound Crag, and Copperline Gorge: This is my land. I use my land to cast spells. Spells are good. Lands make me win. I like winning.



Ancient Grudge: Absolutely necessary sideboard card in any R/G deck in standard right now... lets me take out any pesky cards that are pissing me off :)

Autumn's Veil: Perfect against U/B control, zombies, or delver decks, and has saved my butt several times!

Beast Within: Only reason he is here is to potentially mana screw my opponent or to take out the occasional planeswalker.

Daybreak Ranger   : This card is my wonderful answer to flyers :)

Mondronen Shaman   : This card, when transformed, is fantastic against Delver decks or any sort of control deck, or even ramp decks... just keep in mind, anything except land is a spell... so they only need to potentially cast ten spells... delver, ponder, shock, ponder, delver... oh look you are almost dead!



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okay, so I added and removed some cards over the past week and this is the setup I brought to FNM tonight... I went 4-1, took second place cause i played a tie breaker game against U/R delver and he demolished because I got mana locked and he just kep blasting me for damage, there was no second game for me to pull out my shamans to get him but its alright... overall I had a terrific time playing the deck... beat a G/W tokens, U/B control, temp steel, and RDW... the rdw was close but I kept generating wolf tokens from my mayor... overall I had a terrific time though haha, what do you think of the new setup... Thanks to AjemanCinnajob for helpin me out with some ideas :D

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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #3 position overall 13 years ago
Date added 13 years
Last updated 13 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

27 - 6 Rares

8 - 9 Uncommons

8 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.24
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Human 2/2 G, Wolf 2/2 G, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Deathtouch, Wurm 3/3 C w/ Lifelink
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