This Deck evolves around 4 different combos:
The first:
Turn 1: play a land.
Turn 2: play Kiln Fiend and a land.
Turn 3: play a land, Manamorphose (Kiln Fiend becomes a 4/2), play Teleportal on Kiln Fiend (becomes a 8/2 unblockable) and Assault Strobe on Kiln Fiend (becomes a 11/2 unblockable double strike)
----> Swing for 22 turn 3.
The second:
Turn 1: play a land.
Turn 2: play Kiln Fiend and a land.
Turn 3: play Guttersnipe and a land.
Turn 4: play Teleportal on Kiln Fiend (becomes a 5/2 unblockable, Guttersnipes shoots for 2) and Assault Strobe on Kiln Fiend (becomes a 8/2 unblockable double strike, Guttersnipe shoots for 2)
----> Swing for 16+4=20 turn 4
The third:
Turn 1: play a land and Training Grounds.
Turn 2: play a land and Izzet Guildmage.
Turn 3: play a land play Manamorphose, copy Manamorphose for U with the Guildmage, let the first copy resolve, make more copies until you draw Banefire. Banefire EVERYTHING for X while copying it for R with Izzet Guildmage.
----> Banefire for X on X targets Turn 3.
The fourth:
Turn 1: play a land.
Turn 2: play Painter's Servant.
Turn 3: play Trinket Mage tutoring Grindstone.
Turn 4: play Grindstone, pay 3, mill your opponent to death.
----> Death by milling turn 4. If you have Grindstone in your opening hand, it will be a turn 3 combo (play Grindstone turn 1)
If you don't have Painter's Servant in hand, you cant tutor Seat of the Synod with Trinket Mage.maybe swap some lands for Mana Leak/Lightning Bolt?
Got any advice to improve this deck/ amde some playtests and noticed things to improve? Let me know!