

Load Him up and go Trampling! And Flying! And Lifelinking, and super-crucial, doing it with vigilance. I need more vigilance in this deck.
A tad slow to get Uril out. I'm missing some of the stupidly expensive cool kid's lands like like wooded foothills and windswept heath, but there is plenty of efficient fixing in the 37 lands I do own, and lots of enchantment ramp. So much so that the only artifact ramp I included is Sol Ring. We're using enchantments here like Darksteel Mutation to denude opponents tricky creatures rather than remove their pesty asses. Similarly, Umbra enchantments rather than equipment to protect Uril. Board wipes are focused on creatures of a certain power/toughness, as we expect Uril to be well beyond, say, the overload effect of Mizzium Mortars. As time goes on and new cards are released, I've found some more enchantmentastic creatures: Sram, Tanglespan, and Sanctum Weaver specifically. But the creature count is still pretty low. No dorks in this deck - dorks lack synergy with our boy Uril. Uril seems to beg some diversion from the template, but I'm still wrestling with that.

"Poor Bastard" refers to Uril's bad fortune of being summoned by a tactically substandard wizard.


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93% Casual


Revision 31 See all

(4 days ago)

+1 Arid Mesa main
-1 Boros Garrison side
-1 Clifftop Retreat main
-1 Emerald Medallion maybe
-1 Firespout maybe
-1 Fortified Village maybe
-1 Gruul Turf side
-1 Opal Palace maybe
-1 Pearl Medallion maybe
-1 Prismatic Vista maybe
+1 Return of the Wildspeaker main
-1 Rootbound Crag main
-1 Ruby Medallion maybe
-1 Runes of the Deus maybe
-1 Selesnya Sanctuary side
+1 Spectator Seating main
-1 Sunpetal Grove main
-1 Thought Vessel main
-1 Voyaging Satyr maybe
-1 Windswept Heath maybe
and 22 other change(s)
Date added 9 years
Last updated 4 days

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 0 Mythic Rares

38 - 2 Rares

22 - 4 Uncommons

19 - 2 Commons

Cards 101
Avg. CMC 2.46
Ignored suggestions
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