

American control makes use of creatures like Snapcaster Mage and Vendilion Clique in conjunction with heavy removal and counter spells in order to completely control the board. The particular version above runs a lot less creatures then normal and uses Keranos, God of Storms and Ajani Vengeant to finish off the game. Below is a quick primer of the actual deck. Suggestions are Welcome!!


Snapcaster Mage: This is almost always a full playset in the deck. Snapcaster can get more value out of cards in the graveyard as well as provide a blocking body. In a pinch it can get off a bit of damage too.

Restoration Angel: 3 damage in the air, out of bolt range, can play it on the opponents turn, has the element of surprise, and you can remove damage from creatures and get another use out of etb triggers. Seriously, whats not to like about this guy?

Vendilion Clique: Clique is a bit finicky... it can be nasty against some decks, and has great synergy with Restoration Angel and deals 3 damage in the air, but at the same time it is very subject to removal.

Aven Mindcensor: Another flasher that can deal damage in the air. It completely halts things like pod and scapeshift, as well as stopping fetches. Some lists run these mainboard, but I prefer it to be in the sideboard.

The above creatures are the most common, below are the ones that are used more for damage than control

Geist of Saint Traft: One of the preferred damage dealing/finisher cards. He can be nearly impossible to get rid of, and with Restoration Angel its possible to remove him from combat and still get in 4 damage in the air from the angel token. I have seen decks that run 4 of him, but because of Legendary rules I would not run more than 3.

Wall of Omens: Its a blocker/cantripper. It works really well with Restoration Angel and Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker but is more often seen in american Splinter Twin decks. Run them if you want to, cause they can be really frustrating to the opponent.

Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker: He does an infinite combo with Restoration Angel, and is really good when there is a Snapcaster Mage on the battlefield. Again, this card deviates from pure control and moves towards the Splinter Twin combo decks.

Thundermaw Hellkite: many lists run at least one of these in their 75 cards. It can be a great topdeck late game, and can provide an immediate threat.

Akroma, Angel of Fury: less common than Thundermaw Hellkite, akroma is only in here for a particular combo that I saw. If you play akroma for her morph, then play a Restoration Angel and exile Akroma, Angel of Fury, then it will come back onto the battlefield un-morphed. I saw someone do this and just had to put it in here just for the fun of it.

Kitchen Finks: Can stop aggro, and with Restoration Angel you can get a bunch of life and remove the -1/-1 counters placed on him.

Keranos, God of Storms: He doesn't really die. Very good in both the side and the main, but if you are playing a more grindy game then you want him in the main deck.


Lightning Bolt: arguably the best removal spell in modern. It can also be thrown right into the opponent.

Path to Exile: another one of the best removal spells in modern. Some decks run only a couple of basic lands, so if they run out its a 1 mana for exile target creature. It also stops death triggers (Wurmcoil Engine, Kitchen Finks, etc) I would run 3-4.

Electrolyze: another great removal spell that also gives great card advantage. It can often 2 for 1, and is almost never taken out after game one because the damage can always be done straight to the face and still give card advantage.

Lightning Helix: Lightning Bolt but with the added 3 life. This card can be a life saver, and can swing the life totals by 6. I run 4, but most lists use less.

Izzet Charm : very versatile with 3 modes. However, none of the modes are particularly fantastic. You should probably only run these in the mainboard, as in the side they are practically useless.

Cryptic Command: another card with modes, but actually good. One of the best counter spell in modern, cryptic provides amazing versatility. It does cost 4 mana, however, and depending on the mana base the triple blue is hard to hit. Most decks in the current meta run 3-4

Mana Leak: a great early game counter, but falls off hard late game. I would recommend 3-4.

Spell Snare: Arcbound Ravager, Snapcaster Mage, Cranial Plating , Tarmogoyf, Dark Confidant, etc are all ridiculous cards in modern. One blue take 'em all out.

Remand: can be a really good counterspell at times when you counter something that takes up all of their mana. Then you get a card and they don't play anything that turn. But when you are up against something like affinity, then this card isn't all that useful. I would run a couple, but first make sure that you have other counterspells and removal in case this fails.

Shadow of Doubt : I love this card, as almost every competitive deck in modern runs fetch lands. Playing this on turn 2 when they try to fetch at the end of your turn makes them lose a life, effectively destroys a land, and lets you draw a card. It also makes the opponent nervous, as when it is in your graveyard they always have to play around it in case you flash in a Snapcaster Mage and flashback it. I would run 2 of these instead of Aven Mindcensors, but its a personal choice. This was a lot better when Birthing Pod was a thing, but it is still playable.

Supreme Verdict/Wrath of God: wipe.

Sphinx's Revelation: It's too bad that Dig Through Time has been banned, cause that was one of the best spells for this deck. However, revelation is amazing late game, as it can provide a whole new hand and a lot of life. Don't cast it until turn 6 at the earliest, and only then if you are desperate. Run 2-3 of these.

Ojutai's Command: A relativity new addition to this deck. Like Cryptic Command this card has 4 modes, all which I find useful and makes it an all around fun card to play. I would only run 1 of these


Ajani Vengeant: I love this particular version of ajani. Tap cards, can work as a Lightning Helix, and destroys all lands. The last ability, when it goes off, will almost always win the game. It's not the most common card to see in this deck, but some lists run 1 of these.

Gideon Jura : he can provide a couple of turns of no damage, destroy creatures, and become a win con. His versatility means that many people run him mainboard.


Celestial Colonnade : the man-land of choice for American control and many other U/W/R decks. It needs a lot to go off, but it is the best finisher in the deck. Most decks automatically run 4.

Wandering Fumarole: Some decks run a combination of 3 Celestial Colonnade and 1 of these. The flexibility of this card using its effect comes in handy sometime.

isalnd /Mountain/Plains: Basics!

Hallowed Fountain/Steam Vents/Sacred Foundry: Shock lands. I would ere on the side of the blue shock lands, as the cards in the deck that have difficult mana costs are things with double blue. I would run 2 Steam Vents, 2 hallowed fountains, and 1 Sacred Foundry.

Flooded Strand/Scalding Tarn/Arid Mesa: The fetches. I would run 3-4 Flooded Strand and 3-4 Scalding Tarn. You almost always want to fetch into blue. Some decks may run 8 fetches but most will only need 7.

Sulfur Falls /Glacial Fortress: Most lists run a couple of these, but it is all preference.

Tectonic Edge/Ghost Quarter: Its all preference, but either way one of these should be in here to deal with tron and man-lands. I personally prefer Tectonic Edge

ejanjo castle: can prevent damage to Vendilion Clique and Geist of Saint Traft. Many decks run 1 of these for that purpose.

Overall, the deck should run between 25 and 28 lands, depending on what cards are in the deck. The more Snapcaster Mage, Restoration Angel and Celestial Colonnade , the more mana there should be in the deck. I would run 26, and less if you have under 6 fetch lands.


Supreme Verdict/Wrath of God: I prefer verdict, Against fast aggro decks these can be helpful.

Pyroclasm/Anger of the Gods: Sometimes can be a cheap verdict for a deck. It is great against bogles, affinity, zoo, and other aggro decks. Anger of the Gods is probably better in this meta of Collected Company.

Counterflux: great in the mirror matchup, ends stack battles, and is a good late game counterspell.

Rending Volley : auto-include for red these days

Negate/Spell Pierce/Dispel: Take your pick. They are all good, and one of them should be in the sideboard.

Stony Silence/Shatterstorm: Best affinity hate. I would run Stony Silence personally

Celestial Purge: Stops twin, as well as just being a great removal against red and black

Wear / Tear: versatile card that can take out artifacts and enchantments.

Engineered Explosives: sweeper against aggro decks

Molten Rain: an alternative to Ghost Quarter/Tectonic Edge

Sowing Salt : Molten Rain, but SOOO much more fun

Threads of Disloyalty : is Tarmogoyf good?

Baneslayer Angel/ Thundermaw Hellkite: extra power


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 1 Mythic Rares

19 - 3 Rares

20 - 8 Uncommons

7 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.33
Tokens Emblem Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Soldier 1/1 W
Folders Saved Decks
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