Game One: Vs. Green/Blue/Black Control
(Did NOT expect to win)
Round one, drew four mana. Played Gravecrawler, moved on. AsAp put in a Geralf's Messenger, swung in with Gravecrawler. He flashed in Snapcaster Mage to block. His turn, bounces Geralf to my hand and drops Tarmogoyf. Flat loss after that.
Round two, drew two mana, no one drops. No Tarmogoyf this time around, but he managed to use Surgical Extraction to remove my Gravecrawler and Geralf's Messengers from the game. Luckily his luck ran out and I managed to drop in Desecration Demon. He ran out of sacrifices and lost.
Round three, three mana. No chance. He dropped Dark Confidant on round two. Rounds three and four dropped two more Tarmogoyf's. Slow death after that.
(ps, that's a thousand dollar deck. I didn't have a snowballs chance in h**l of beating it)
Game two: vs Red/Blue Grapeshot deck
Lost. Both rounds on round two. Only spell I played both rounds was Gravecrawler. Need counterspells.
Game three: vs Green/Red Aggro.
Another straight loss. I dropped the Geralf's messengers as planned. Then he dropped Inferno Titan. Two of him. Lost my messengers and gravecrawlers to burn spells fast while he mana ramped to the Titans. Deck worked as intended, just wasn't able to hold off powerful creatures like that (I was expecting blinding speed kills, not blinding mana ramp burns).
Game four: vs Red Deck Wins.
No excuse, should have won. Didn't mulligan enough though. Stuck with one mana and two gravecrawlers. Without zombies on field, the crawlers were absolutely useless. No returns. Second round I dropped Lotleth Troll in, and he absorbed pretty well due to the regenerate. Discarded the Diregraf captains for lack of blue mana, along with a slitherhead, and dropped rancor down on him. Red Sun's Zenith tore me apart after that- mass Goblins chump blocked while he focused me down, and ignored the regen.
Game five: vs Cranial Plating/Affinity for Artifacts deck
Sad, sad game. Round one, on his second turn, he swung for eight in the air with a cranial plating. Round two, same thing.
All in all, lesson learned: Pack four removal spells, four counterspells and four anti-artifact spells on sideboard. Thought a mix of them in the deck would suffice. It didn't.
Considering giving up modern masters after that....