First of all, thanks for checking this out. Now, I recently started playing magic casually with some friends up to the point were I feel comfortable making my own here it is. I would like some opinions and perhaps input. Im not going to play in tournaments any time soon, so please, do have that in mind.
So I kind of checked the cards in the current rotation and found that I really like the color black...and from those I liked vampires the most. I read somewhere that currently the most competitive is the zombie decks, but like I said, Im not looking to play competitively.
The deck is based around Falkenrath Aristocrat and her ability to become indestructible. Accomplishing this by taking advantage of the low mana cost of Stromkirk Noble and Vampire Interloper. Vampire Nighthawk helps me with his deathtouch ability, mostly using him to defend and stall if needed. Stromkirk Captain provides a nice boost to my vampires by giving them a +1/+1 and First Strike, its great when coupled with
vampire knighthawk
s deathtouch.
Bloodline Keeper
provides flying tokens, this works together with Falkenrath Aristocrat in order to maximize her survivability. The fact that he transforms into a stronger vampire that provides a +2/+2 is the icing in the cake. Then theres Olivia Voldaren, she provides a second plan in case things go downhill by using her ability to turn other creatures into vampires and taking control of them...then Falkenrath Aristrocat eats them to keep surviving.
Magmaquake takes advantage of the fact that most of my vampires have flying and I use no Planeswalkers (could change depending on input). Dreadbore takes care of threats early on and Duress eliminates future problematic spells. Sign in Blood provides a nice boost to draw my key cards faster while Killing Wave provides an option in case things go downhill for me. Reverberate copies Dreadbore,
and Sign in Blood if necessary...and if not then it copies something my opponent could be using against me. as for the sideboard...I have no idea what to put in it.
Ok, so there is my first try at a Magic deck. Hoping for not too much wrong with it. If you reached this far into reading then please, provide some input, itll be appreciated.