
I built this deck because I love vampires decks and I want to see them competitive. I will now go over my card choices in order of manna cost. Feel free to comment, suggest, or ask questions about my choices.

  1. 4x Vampire Nocturnus is my chosen 4 drop because he is a great benefit to all other vampires and flying in my experience is often over looked.
  2. 1x Liliana of the Dark Realms is there to help increase Vampire Nocturnus's odds and increases chances of drawing a non-land card.
  3. 4x Dimir House Guard is there to make sure I got the four drops I need and can also be used to change the top card of the deck for Vampire Nocturnus.
  4. 4x Stromkirk Captain beefs up my vampires and helps them stay alive. Good for both offense and defense.
  5. 1x Drana, Liberator of Malakir's abilities will increase my creature size each successful attack.
  6. 4x Gatekeeper of Malakir can get rid of creatures that aren't targeted, and even if they sacrifice a dud, you're gaining creature advantage.
  7. 4x Gifted Aetherborn will survive nearly every attack and not die from a Lightning Bolt with Stromkirk Captain.
  8. 4x Bloodghast will always come back.
  9. 4x Feast of Blood works in this deck because I almost always have 2 or more vampires out. Other people might have gone with Terminate or Dreadbore but I like to destroy my opponents creatures during my turn before the attack, most creatures don't regenerate, and when it comes to planeswalkers they aren't that common and I could attack them if I needed to. And gaining four life makes if safer to attack.
  10. 4x Vampire Cutthroat will not get stopped by big creatures and every life point counts.
  11. 4x Pulse Tracker will hit my opponent for at least 1 each time he attacks.
  12. 4x Bloodstained Mire helps Vampire Nocturnus's odds and can make sure I have red manna.
  13. 1x Blood Crypt is there so I can fetch it with Bloodstained Mire if needed.
  14. 4x Cavern of Souls is there because it will make sure my vampires aren't countered and can be both red or black manna. Most people only say to run 2 of them in a deck, but in my main board (and most of my side board) each card could use a manna coming from it.
  15. 4x Blackcleave Cliffs is good in any rakdos deck.
  16. 2x Mortuary Mire is there is in case key creatures die or if I'm trying to increase Vampire Nocturnus's odds. I only use two because I don't want them to get in the way of casting spells.

Regarding the side board, it has many singe 4 drops because I can get them with Dimir House Guards.

  1. 1x Erebos, God of the Dead to replace Liliana of the Dark Realms if my opponent gains too much life. I considered main boarding it but it's activated ability costs both manna and life and lifegain isn't a common enough problem to justify putting it on the main board.
  2. 1x Leyline of the Void is to use on the players who are graveyard obsessed.
  3. 1x Slaughter Games is there to get rid of my opponents favorite cards. Happy Slaughter Games and may the odds be ever in your favor.
  4. 1x Witchbane Orb is there in case I am playing a direct damage deck (my worst match up). That kind of deck is expected to beat me on the first round, but if I have this, the tables will be turned. It's also the only non-black card in the deck.
  5. 4x Fulminator Mage is for those decks that have too good of lands.
  6. 4x Kolaghan's Command is primarily there for artifact removal, but has effects that are good in any general situation.
  7. 3x Illness in the Ranks is there to reduce token madness.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

10 - 1 Mythic Rares

13 - 11 Rares

20 - 3 Uncommons

10 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.39
Tokens Emblem Liliana of the Dark Realms
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