Not your typical Veyran deck. Most decks I see play her through cantrips. nah, f*** that. we out here for the BIG BOI STUFF.

Tons of threats, counterspells are aplenty as they are the primary source of target removal and protection. I thought to myself, why need creatures if I just counterspell nearly everything!

Its gotten to a point of, no longer meme-deck that follows that strict theme of "Copies" and has turned into a total powerhouse at the table. I either get hated off the board fast enough in a 3v1, or i spiral out of control too fast before I can be killed, and i wipe everyone. When they say "Izzet / Prismari is a Solitaire deck" This is what they mean.

This is my first real deck I've constructed completely on my own, without grabbing bits and pieces from other similar decks. I've put a lot of money over the past 8 months or so building this deck, and I think its finally complete.

Deck has many combos, and lots of triggers. Im sure it sounds super typical to hear, but it reminds me of Exodia. Lets break down some of the more fun combos we have here ~

First lets talk about our commander, Veyran, Voice of Duality. Simply a phenomenal commander for a spellslinger deck. Her magecraft ability happens twice, due to her secondary ability causing an additional trigger. She can spiral up in power and toughness VERY quickly. Swarm Intelligence and her on the field, a single Lightning Bolt cast is 3x iterations of lightning bolt, and her gaining +6+6 to swing with. 9 targeted dammage and an 8/8 commander.

Next up we have our infinites! Reiterate and Mana Geyser is a red CLASSIC! You can cast Reiterate with buyback in response to a Mana Geyser that will produce 7 or more mana, you can cast infinite Reiterates to get infinite storm and infinite mana. With any of our other pieces on the field, we can have infinite Young Peezy elemental 1/1s (Young Pyromancer), infinite card draw through Archmage Emeritus, infinite burn through any of our burn creatures, infinite FUN through a few of our enchantments (Thousand-Year Storm, Aria of Flame etc..) Another infinite we have here is Isochron Scepter - Dramatic Reversal. Now I know we only have 2 artifacts in here for mana rocks, its not the best, I thought id take them out to try and tone the deck down a bit, to make it a bit more bearable since its my only deck, as I've only been playing magic for about a year, and only have 1 real constructed deck other than a few precons. Feel free to swap out some cards for more ramp rocks.

Lets talk about triggers. Its very crucial to understand how copies behave on the stack and how things resolve. If you are going to play solitaire, play it right please. Im not going to go through game rulings and mechanics here, please do your own research. That being said, we have a ton of fun triggers we get to mess around with. If you want to hurt your brain, combo some spells together with Thousand-Year Storm + Commander on the field. Instants and Sorceries storm for the other instants and sorceries cast before them, and your commander causing the enchantment to trigger, triggers again. This is fun when the whole table all gathers around my side of the field to debate what triggers are happening and how many there are!

Simple things like Sunbird's Invocation, if triggered from an instant or sorcery, just sunbirds twice. easy day. Aria of Flame triggers 1x for 1 damage to a target player or planewalker, then again triggers for 2 damage this time, and so on. Remember its 1, then 2, for one spell cast with commander on the field. Giving out 30-40 health to the entire table (depending on how many you are playing with) is meaningless when we start casting a few things.

Onto the newest edition to the deck, and probably the most broken one. Arcane Bombardment. This card is absolutely crazy for this deck. Not only are we getting to exile 2 things from our graveyard each turn (opponents turns also count, hello counterspells!) to exile under Arcane Bombardment, we then COPY everything exiled with it, granting our commander copy triggers to her magecraft ability. Now, when you copy something, unless specifically stated, you dont cast copies, they are created onto the stack and resolve with the stack. Arcane Bombardment says we cast all our copies. So now we have cast triggers from everything exiled through this enchantment. If we have Swarm Intelligence on the field along with arcane bombardment, everything is now copied 2x-3x times. Enjoy casting a counterspell with timewarp exiled this way.


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98% Casual


Date added 2 years
Last updated 2 years

This deck is not Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

11 - 0 Mythic Rares

42 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.38
Tokens Ape 3/3 G, Bird 2/2 U, Copy Clone, Drake 2/2 U, Elemental 1/1 R, Experience Token, Foretell, Human Wizard 1/1 U, Treasure
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