With the announcement of Brawl getting some support with Precons and coming to Arena I decided to convert one of my Oathbreaker decks into a Brawl deck (which I can still use in Oathbreaker).
The Commander of this deck is Vraska, Golgari Queen. My Favourite Vraska. This deck is all about getting extra value out of your cards via graveyard shenanigans. The deck contains creatures that either do something when they etb or when they die so that playing a creature and sacrificing it to Vraska will always get some value beyond just Vraskas ability. Then the deck has a bunch of ways of getting creatures back from the graveyard including some creatures that just bring themselves back.
Rather than go over packages like I do with commander decks I'm just going to go over some good cards in the deck.
Lingering Phantom is a threat that can bring itself back whenever you play a historic card. There are quite a lot of historic cards in this deck anyway but this card is stronger in brawl because playing your commander can bring it back.
This is the deck that wants Retributive Wand. A 3 mana artifact that can ping for another 3 mana isn't good but if the artifact goes to the graveyard it deals 5 damage to any target. Vraska can sacrifice any permanent, not just creatures, turning this card into 3 mana deal 5 damage to any target which is super good in a BG Brawl deck.
Mending of Dominaria gets cards into your graveyard and then brings the most important ones (creatures and land) back.
Nature's Spiral, this deck is mostly creatures and that is what you would usually get back with this card but what makes it strong is that it can bring back Mending of Dominaria and Retributive Wand.
Bloodsoaked Altar is a super threat generator. It costs 2 cards every time you want to use it but in this deck that is an easy cost to pay with how much recursion there is. With the 2 skeletons basically lets you use the ability for 3BB which is pretty reasonable for a 5/5 flier.
Lotleth Giant is this decks fireball. The deck naturally ends up with a lot of creatures in the graveyard so this card will deal a lot of damage when you play it. Then you can sacrifice it with Vraska and play it again.
Salvager of Ruin turns your Vraska sacrifice into a blink which is really strong when used with ETBs.
Loaming Shaman is in here as a pseudo eternal witness. With Loaming shaman this deck never runs out of cards because loaming shaman can give you back your creature recursion which you can use to replay loaming shaman until your opponent exiles it of course.
Soul Salvage is an efficient way of bringing back creatures to your hand. This is the decks Signature Spell when playing it in Oathbreaker.
Note: The above is all speculation at the moment. I have not had chance to playtest the deck yet. I will edit the description in future if testing changes my mind on these cards.