Sylvan Caryatid Used for mana fixing and an early blocker
Courser of Kruphix One of the best cards in standard allowing you to filter draws, gain life and has synergy with fetch lands
Siege Rhino
Cost efficient body that can play offense or defense with a relative 3 life drain
Ajani Steadfast Has good synergy with Siege Rhino and Courser of Kruphix to gain some life while being able to stay defensive. Also can ramp up any other planeswalker you have in play.
Ajani, Mentor of Heroes Primarily used to dig for your other walkers. Works well with Elspeth, Sun's Champion to make her soldiers 2/2s
Elspeth, Sun's Champion One of the strongest win cons in the game and a proven finisher for control decks
Garruk, Apex Predator Answers most threats in the format with two relevant plus abilities, a removal spell that gains you life and a game ending emblem
Abzan Charm Instant speed exile, sign in blood or counter distribution makes it so this charm is versatile while never being dead in hand.
Hero's Downfall The go to removal spell for creatures and planeswalkers
Utter End
Instant speed answer to everything that isn't hexproof and can even handle gods due to exiling.
End Hostilities Wrath effects that takes care of bestow and any attached equipment that may become relevant
Duneblast Sweeper that lets me keep a creature
Thoughtseize Hand disruption and knowledge
Anafenza, the Foremost a 4/4 for 3 is a great rate but is mainly to protect against delve or reanimation decks if they become prevalent
In control and monsters this comes in as thoughtseize 5-7
Drown in Sorrow Takes care of Rabble Red and White Weenies pretty efficiently
Erebos, God of the Dead Shuts down lifegain strategies
Liliana Vess Comes in against control for more hand disruption or letting you search for a answer or win con
Nyx-Fleece Ram
Shuts down early aggression and regains you life every upkeep for free