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Wanna hear the most annoying sound ever?

Legacy* Control




That would be the sound of this deck shuffling. This isn't a serious deck just a joke deck I play with my friends, it's intentionally designed to be annoying.

Basically it's designed to never die but never kill, and to drag the game on forever. It has the potential to do just that though any card that can destroy all enchantments (non targeted) could still break the cycle. However to prevent that I stuck 4 Deprive's in the side-board, just in case.

I'm thinking that countering this deck requires a specifically designed deck to counter it, which will substantially hinder your offensive potential, thus resulting an a really annoying drawn-out game anyways. All of this makes this deck really annoying to play against.

This deck Features:

Delaying Shield + Phyrexian Unlife to make me unkillable

Reminisce + Elixir of Immortality to prevent death by milling.

It has no damage which is capable of killing an opponent (intentionally)...yes Shahrazed can deal damage but it cannot deal lethal damage since it's half your health rounded down in damage.

Shahrazad because it's the most annoying card in the game, also if I can't get my immortality combo out in the first game, perhaps I will in the sub-game, and thus create a game that cannot end, or better yet, create a series of un-winnable sub-games.

Rebuff the Wicked + Turn Aside + Hindering Light to prevent my immortality combo from being destroyed.

Enlightened Tutor Helps me get my combos out faster.

Oblivion Stone keeps the game good and boring by killing everything but my immortality cards.

I have some side-board cards which are in the side-board because they can deal damage, but they would help keep my indestructible combo from dying as well, and in a serious game also give me some potential to actually win the game.

I only wish Personal Sanctuary worked with Delaying Shield but alas they don't.


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Legacy legal.

Rarity (main - side)

20 - 11 Rares

16 - 0 Uncommons

4 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.10
Folders Control
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