

My take on Waste Not in a Budget deck. New and improved with cards from DTK!! Quick description time:



  • Despise: Hand disruption, and with Waste Not, a bonus zombie. All for one

  • Duress: Another hand disruption, and a bonus draw when Waste Not is in play. Solid early play


  • Waste Not: The Raison d'etre of the deck. Such an interesting enchantment. It would be a WASTE to NOT use it.. eh? eh?... ok...

  • Anticipate: Deck filter which is useful early and late game

  • Black Cat: Early blocker that can pose a discard threat. Zombie type also works with Risen Executioner

  • Sign in Blood: Standard draw spell. Trade life for cards. The unique part is, you can target your OPPONENT. Make them feel some pain, and create some discard target. Two birds with one spell

  • Ultimate Price: Pretty self-explanatory


  • Dark Deal: In this deck, this spell is a BOMB. Cast this when you already have Waste Not in play, and you'll hit the jackpot. Disrupting the opponent's strategy while getting benefit from doing that.

  • Dissolve: I really want to avoid using cards from Theros block, but this one is still currently the best counterspell in the current format. So I'll stick with it

  • Sibsig Icebreakers: Good for ice-breaking, discarding, and zombie type is a plus, too


  • Risen Executioner: The new kid on the block, and quickly on its way to become the king of the hill. Pump my zombies and can revive itself

  • Empty the Pits: Not exactly a 4 mana spell, but you can still cast it for 4 mana if you got a stacked grave. In my experience, 4-5 zombies is enough to turn a game around or go for the kill


  • Murderous Cut: Extra removal against creature-heavy deck. Anything with a Delve is also a plus


  • Archfiend of Depravity: 5/4 body and can reduce aggression. The only problem that it can be neutered by a simple removal and the opponent can get one good attack before their end phase. Still deciding whether to use this or Crux of Fate

  • Duress: More of it to help deal with control decks

  • Encase in Ice: Color-hate spell. 2-mana disable that can even hit fatties at instant speed is good

  • Negate: Extra counterspell against control deck. Also a pre-caution against the dreaded Virulent Plague

  • Self-Inflicted Wound: Another color-hate. Used to deal with Indestructible pest like Fleecemane Lion

  • Treasure Cruise: Back-up draw spell. Delve to manage my grave

Please playtest, comment, and rate the deck!! Any suggestion is welcome. Thanks!!


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As of Friday, October 2nd 2015, I officially retired this deck since its core card, Waste Not, is rotating out.

Thank you everyone for the support and criticism about this deck. Look forward to more of my deck in the future!!

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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #91 position overall 10 years ago
Date added 10 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

5 - 0 Mythic Rares

8 - 2 Rares

14 - 6 Uncommons

19 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.55
Tokens Zombie 2/2 B
Folders Interesting Decks, Lovin the budget, Decks I want to build, Budget, Decks I Like, Cool deck ideas , tryout, Standard Budget, 2015, favs
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