Force your opponents to discard their hands, one or two cards at a time. Then, once their hand is empty, ping them for all the damage each turn and bring their own guys against them with ink-eyes! I'm pretty sure your opponents didn't need those hands anyway. As with all my decks, this is a work in progress and i'm open to any feedback and suggestions.


Updates Add

These changes are aimed to simply add a bit more power to the deck. In it's current state, it has the potential to win nicely but lacks consistancy.

Creatures: - Removed 2 Ink-eyes. Really solid card in the late game, but currently the deck just has too many copies of them for their mana cost and, as a result, show up way too often early on before you can cast them. - Removed 2 Okiba-gang Shinobi. Same reason as Ink-eyes

Lands: - Removed 1 Motuary Mire and added 1 Rogue's Passage. I think this card is worth re-introducing as a one-of for if the game starts to drag on. - Removed 1 swamp. Don't need as high a mana-base anymore

Non-creatures: - Removed the playset of Dash Hopes and added 4 copies of Thoughtseize.. Jesus christ, these cards are expensive, but to me they are 100% worth it and make this deck. It helps you immediately start the discard pain-train, giving you valuable info and letting you choose what you don't feel like dealing with. - Added 4 copies of Beseech the Queen. This tutor gives the deck the consistancy it desperately needs, allowing you to tutor for the card you need at a cheap price (or at least, cheaper than every other mono-black modern tutor I could find)


Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years
Exclude colors WUG
Splash colors BR

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

22 - 0 Rares

7 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.56
Ignored suggestions
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