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Weird or Bust

Modern Combo UR (Izzet)



The combo is Blistercoil Weird equipped with Paradise Mantle, which then taps for mana to cast cantrips, which untap it for more mana. Eventually I cast Grapeshot with a high storm count.

This deck can win as early as turn 2, by playing one land and Blistercoil Weird turn 1, then equipping Paradise Mantle turn 2 and tapping for the cantrips.

Inevitably some draws will be dead while comboing off, such as lands, extra copies of the combo, and even early Grapeshots or sideboard cards. Faithless Looting and its flashback allow me to dump useless cards and draw into more useful spells.

Some spells cost more than one mana, such as Manamorphose, Grapeshot, and Dig Through Time. There are 12 copies of cards that net extra mana upon resolution: Gitaxian Probe, Manamorphose, and Cerulean Wisps .

Once the deck gets going with a couple cantrips in hand, it's very difficult for the combo to fizzle, as long as the ratio of cantrips to dead cards hasn't been diluted too much. The deck is consistent enough to normally win by turn 5 at the latest in a vacuum.

A keepable hand at 7 needs a land and one piece of the combo, preferrably Blistercoil Weird. Mulliganing to 5 without that hand is acceptable; at 5 or less, any hand with a land is about the best you can realistically expect.

Sideboarding is tough since each non-cantrip makes fizzling more likely. I've found through playtesting that 4 sideboard cards can come in without making the combo unplayable, but even at 4 it's risky. I need suggestions on the best sideboard cards to include, both against storm hate and against the tier 1 decks.


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Removed some old comments and did some more tweaking of numbers.

  • Replaced Ideas Unbound with Dig Through Time, as it allows me to dig deep for missing combo pieces or the perfect two cards to keep the combo going.
  • Added Crimson Wisps to the main to give myself the option of not casting Blistercoil Weird into removal, baiting the opponent to tap out, and going off on the next turn with haste. It does require a total of three mana though, including a red source.

I still need to decide what to do with the sideboard.

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Revision 12 See all

(9 years ago)

+4 Blistercoil Weird main
+4 Cerulean Wisps main
+4 Crimson Wisps main
+2 Dispel side
+4 Faithless Looting main
+4 Flame Slash side
+4 Flooded Strand main
+4 Gitaxian Probe main
+2 Grapeshot main
+3 Ideas Unbound main
+4 Island main
+4 Manamorphose main
+3 Mizzium Skin side
+1 Nature's Claim side
+4 Paradise Mantle main
+4 Peek main
+1 Polluted Delta main
-1 Polluted Delta main
+4 Serum Visions main
+4 Sleight of Hand main
and 46 other change(s)
Date added 11 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Rares

16 - 3 Uncommons

31 - 12 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.10
Folders Mod
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