With the announcement of Magic Origins and the hope of going back to Innistrad I started looking for all my old Werewolf cards. With a stock pile of the Khans card floating around and the knowledge of the spell transform rules, I decided to Incorporate The Temur blue to have less transforms back to human. Thus creating The Werewolves of the Temur Clan.
One Bite and You Will be Transformed
When the Full Moon Comes Out
Daybreak Ranger
Nightfall Predator
- Now besides looking like a bad ass with that huge crossbow, easy tap and deal with flyers. Have a Dragon with 6 toughness just tap all three. And you won't need to call Bard. Transform and a 4/4 with a force fight, decent.
Grizzled Outcasts
Krallenhorde Wantons
- 5CMC for 4/4 is really just okay. Transform and 7/7 now that's better. Turn 2 a Rattleclaw Mystic face down and Drop on turn 3. Turn 4 you swing for 7. Good way to mark your territory.
Hanweir Watchkeep
Bane of Hanweir
- A 1/5 defender in-case your get transformed back to human. You have a turn to stay alive in your weak mortal human form. Transform 5/5 must attack nothing to laugh at here.
Huntmaster of the Fells
Ravager of the Fells
- Gain Life and a 2/2 wolf for each time in enters the battlefield or transforms. Vsing Spell heavy decks he will save you life. Transform Trample on a 4/4 okay. 2 damage to target play and 2 damage to target creature. Almost time for your opponents tail to go between their legs.
Instigator Gang
/Wildblood Pack
- 4CMC 2/3 but you get a +1/0 to all attacking creatures. Transform and that +1/0 becomes a +3/+0 to all attacking creatures you control, and Trample! Okay so lets get this right. T2 Rattleclaw T3 Instigator Gang
T4 Transform and swing for 8/5 with Trample. Yeah you can wag you tail now.
Mayor of Avabruck
Howlpack Alpha
- Other Humans get +1/+1 yay some help for the weaklings. Transform +1/+1 to all Werewolves and Wolfs. Don't forget a 2/2 wolf each of your upkeeps. He his your squeaky toy, he just makes everything better.
Mondronen Shaman
Tovolar's Magehunter
- Not much going on in human form just a 4CMC 3/2. Transform and now when ever your opponent cast a spell they take 2 damage. Force your foe into 4 damage so they must transform all of your lycanthrope army or die.
Reckless Waif
Merciless Predator
- What a great way to open this deck on a Turn 1. Just a 1/1 for now. Transform and you get a 3/2. Pretty good for a turn T2 attack.
Scorned Villager
Moonscarred Werewolf
- Who doesn't love extra mana to cast super usefull for counter spells. Transform and you get Vigilance and 2 .
Shaman among the Wolves Rattleclaw Mystic - You should just love this card. Why because it is just that awesome.
How not to go back to your human form
Disdainful Stroke - Big spell and Big creatures nothing to worry about.
Mana Leak - Early game make sure there are maximun 1 spell per turn. Stops Re-transformation
Spell Rupture
- An extra 7 + +1/+1 to cast spells great for board wipe spells and well anything you really just don't like. Keep in mind when your attacking it is possibility of 7+3 + +1/+1 if
Krallenhorde Wantons
, Wildblood Pack
Howlpack Alpha
Temur Charm
- Counter spell, Target gets +1/+1 and force fight, or creatures with 3 or less cant block great for token decks.
Curiosity - Super cheap way to help with card draw. It's nice keeping a few options open.
When the Silver Bullet has Your Name
Wild Defiance - Spell decks that kill your creatures can be a pain. Great way to help deal non instant kill cards. And very fun way to boost
Temur Charm
. Ravage your opponents creature in a 1vs1 fight.
- Having trouble keeping your werewolves in their proper form. Look no further. May even be commonly substituted for
Temur Charm
or any spell really depending on what your facing.
Get the Best out of your Werewolves
Reckless Waif
T2: Rattleclaw Mystic (face down)
Reckless Waif
Transforms into
Merciless Predator
Swing for 3. Total Damage 3.
T3: Rattleclaw Mystic Face up Summon Instigator Gang
Attack with
Merciless Predator
Total Damage 6.
T4: Transform Instigator Gang
into Wildblood Pack
. Attack with Wildblood Pack
- 8/5,
Merciless Predator
- 6/5 and Rattleclaw Mystic - 5/1 for 19. Total Damage done 25. Game! And you bit another human.
You can now Transform back to your human form
Hope you all liked +1 if you did. Tips or recommendations always welcome. Just remember Tappedout Community when the Moon is full the Werewolves of the Temur Clan will be out on the prowl.