First place! :D In a way. Last match we played one game, which went to time and ended as a draw. Anyway, results are as follows...
Match 1: Gruul Aggro, 2-0. First game, was highly unfair. He got manascrewed and I did too much by the time he recovered. Second was closer, getting me to 2 but a risky Essence Harvest for a measly 2 ended up saving me, swinging overhead for the win.
Match 2: Jund Aggro, 2-0. Same person who beat me in the last match two weeks ago. Game 1, early lifelink secured my win, I was able to gain more than he was dealing without blocking. Game 2, I was light on creatures and ended up swinging Knight of Infamy paired with Silverblade Paladin. Soon as i got enough creatures, a Golgari Charm wiped all but the paladin, top decked Sublime Archangel to swing for the win next turn.
Match 3: G/W Tokens, 2-0. First game, was somewhat close but I was able to get double Infamy out, blocked all and swung each turn for unblockable damage. Game 2, same thing happened until Blood Baron of Vizkopa halted everything he could do.
Match 4: Junk tokens, 0-0 Draw. One of the most fun games I've played in a while, that ended up teaching me so much. I took an early lead, but then was unable to prevent him from ulting Sorin, Lord of Innistrad. He took a sublime and a nighthawk, ulted another sorin for the same two creatures. We pretty much raced on lifelink, neither of us could destroy each other's creatures, nor attack for more than we could gain. I would have won, but I didn't know that Vizkopa Guildmage's second ability stacked. I learned though and that actually helps a lot. So we went to time, split first. Overall, I couldn't be happier with how I played. I've got my list down to what I want, and feel I'm ready for the IQ in a week.