Who needs bears to hate? Presently the meta around me doesn't pack a lot of ways to get rid of enchantments. This deck uses those enchantments to hate EVERYTHING and lock down the game. Enchantments for burn, enchantments for aggro, enchantments for combo, enchantments for bombs. Let's take our time and kill everyone with an army of angel tokens.
Ghostly Prison and Sphere of Safety lock down the board and delay attackers to give me time to activate win conditions.
Leyline of Sanctity is incredible for prolonging most match-ups and can singlehandedly win before the game starts.
shuts off problem cards before they are cast. Runed Halo turns off ones that make it to the board.
Suppression Field
means my opponent is paying mana to fetch, to activate combos, or use planeswalkers. Prolongs games enough that I can lock and then draw until I find a win condition.
Rest in Peace eliminates graveyard shenanigans, which I've encountered enough of lately to include in the mainboard.
Oblivion Ring
is versatile removal.
Porphyry Nodes
was originally
Wall of Omens
but I've found that Nodes is better at doing essentially the same thing, and having one or two Nodes in play with a Heliod is plain unfair.
Luminarch Ascension and Sigil of the Empty Throne are my win conditions that generate an army of Angels to finish my locked out opponent.
Resolving an
Endless Horizons
feels amazing. This is the main reason we're only running a few Nykthos and Plains because we get to draw a land and a spell every turn once this hits the board, greatly boosting our inevitability.
Heliod, God of the Sun is another win condition, gives my Angels vigilance, and pumps out Cleric enchantment tokens to boost my Sphere of Safety.
Path to Exile is included as an early answer to aggro opponents. We can Path our own Wall of Omens to ramp ourselves in a pinch.
Idyllic Tutor
is whatever I want or need it to be, especially once Nykthos is online.
Because many of our enchantments cost multiple , Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx generates a lot of mana in short order. Fancy Plains because I've got em.
We're already playing a 60 card sideboard, but there are a few things that just didn't fit. Day of Judgment works well against go-wide strats. Disenchant is too specific for mainboard, but very useful on occasion.
Eidolon of Rhetoric
is wonderful against zoo, delver, storm, affinity, dredge, burn... the list goes on. Greater Auramancy comes in when I suspect they are siding removal in. If I can find them both they protect each other as well. Mana Tithe is silly and can fit in well against infect, a very bad matchup for us. More Path to Exile and the Stony Silence are self explanatory sideboard staples. Blessed Alliance is a desperate attempt to stay alive versus infect and could be good against a fast affinity start as well.
Initial credit for some tech to mtg94 on DeckStats. Further research shows credit should be given to Travis Woo's 2014 Channel Fireball article "Modern Mono-White Control."