Yesterday i found out about exitence of this card Laboratory Maniac and I really wanted to put a deck with it together, so here's what I came up with. I know there must be a lot of decks with this card, but I wanted to put it together by myself and now I would like your help to polish it, because I never played blue and I made just quick reasearch for some good cards fitting to this deck. I'm sure I missed a lot of good cards. I need help especially with sideboard, I'll be very gratefull for any suuggestions.
I think ideal starting hand would be
Puresight Merrow
+ Paradise Mantle at least two lands and the rest is not so important, because you'll dig to anything you need with this, especially for Laboratory Maniac of course. Than it's just about to survive and keep your
Puresight Merrow
and Laboratory Maniac alive.
can be used as an alternative to
Puresight Merrow
to get rid of your library, but it can backfire very easily, still a backup plan tho...
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