Tribal wolf and werewolf. Many creature have synergy with each other. Here the description of each cards. Im open for sugestions.
Village Messenger
: It replace Young Wolf since this one get empowered by an even unflipped Mayor of Avabruck
. If you play it turn one and your opponent didn't have a une drop, it will most likely flip.
Geier Reach Bandit
: A quite aggressive creature who, once transformed, can make things really bad for your opponent...
Mayor of Avabruck
: A lord and a wolf token creator, Untransformed, he unfortunatly dont pump wolves, but he still pump other werewolves and some human in the deck like Master of the Wild Hunt. But transformed, he pump almost all your creatures and generate a token each turn. Keep it transformed with card like Immerwolf and Moonmist, hes better like this.
Duskwatch Recruiter
: This one is useful as it ability is kind of good, its better than not playing spell to flip our werewolves. Flipped, it make our creatures cheaper.
Spirit of the Hunt: So i needed more 3 drops so thats what i got from Eldritch moon. So it have flash so i can pass my turn on turn three, better if in turn two i played a Mayor of Avabruck
or a Duskwatch Recruiter
, and transform my werewolves while threaten to play something in my opponent turn. This particular one is better than Wolfir Avenger and the other flashing werewolves because it can dodge red mass removal and permit defensive combat tricks.
Immerwolf : Main lord because it pump most of your creatures. What making shine even more in this deck is its abillity to keep transformed creatures transformed. Only downside is Huntmaster of the Fells
because make it transform over and over is a good things. He also got a form of evasion.
Huntmaster of the Fells
: Plain good, he give life, make token, burn face along has creatures and is really strong transformed. We can pretty much transform it at will.
Ulrich of the Krallenhorde
: hes here more for the lulz and to have a huge threat that do remove creatures. If you plan to do this deck, put a third Arlinn Kord
if you want to be more serious.
Howlpack Resurgence: Flash not only make it a combat trick, but it can also permit us to skip playing spell on our turn to make werewolves flip and cast this during our opponent turn.
Arlinn Kord
: She replaced Garruk Relentless
from this deck not only because i no longer run the Stuffy Doll combo, but because of her abillity to let us win by swarming or by creating one huge threat while removing potential blocker.
Lightning Bolt: Main removal that can hit the face of your opponent. A must.
Moonmist: It transform your werewolves at will at instant speed. It can act also has a combat trick because transformed werewolf are mostly stonger than untransformed ones. It doesn't transform eldrazi werewolves
Atarka's Command:
Forest: Self explaining...
Mountain: Same has above.
Rootbound Crag: Mainly a dual land to don't get mana screwed. Mostly enter the battlefield untapped.
Stomping Ground: Same has above. But enter the battle tapped or untaped at will for the price of lifeloss.
Temple of Abandon: This one is always tapped, but do fix our next draw.
Raging Ravine: It survive from sorcery speed removal and keep getting stronger.
Kessig Wolf Run: Not here because of its name, but for its cheer power. Simply, it win games. Event if you pay noting for the X, it still give trample to a creature.