You just can't keep track of this many counters...
Please +1 - HEY someones gotta make simic competitive :)
Formerly my combo deck which has now been moved to
Pandoras Box Of Combos
I have made the decision to take this deck and convert it into a competitive simic deck utilizing the power of counter generation and evolve triggers.

Everything in this build either untaps to unlock more potential or handles adding or moving counters utilizing IMHO a highly under utilized spell and the power of evolve.
There are infinite combos that can be triggered for draw+life, infinite counters+mana and infinite turns, but these are not the only win-con.
The main win con is getting your creatures pumped to massive counter numbers and then swinging for lethal.
Bioshift is such a powerful spell when you have sunk 20 or 30 counters into a hydra and someone spot removes it. At instant speed you can move ALL of the counters to any other creature you control and still maintain creature superiority. The opponent will never see it coming.
If you do end up going into a late game scenario, the longer it goes the more chances you have to get crazy and unlock some crazy combos that will leave you and your opponents head spinning.
I have pumped out a 32/32 Kalonian Hydra on turn 6 or 7 with this build, and had opponents scoop when I start building a crazy huge
Fathom Mage
drawing cards each time.
Simic IS a viable meta, I am determined to make it work.
hope you like.
Please +1 - HEY someones gotta make simic competitive :)