This deck is everything Jurassic Park would like to be! Damn scary Dinosaurs, shitloads of damage, a lot of mana.

Aggro deck with combo interactions for multiplayer game.

I'd love to read your oppinions and suggestions on my deck, please comment!

Here is the breakdown for the deck.

Thanks for your time!

Since we've got pretty big creatures, gonna need some mana ramping:

There are a few cards that can lower the cost of the spells:

As the deck has combo orientation, some creatures are needed to make the advantage shift in our direction. For that matter we gotta Tutor some of them:

Since we've got high CMC spells, we gotta protect some of our creatures when the time is right, for that we've got:
  • Blossoming Defense - Hexproof. +2/+2. . Must have in every green deck

  • Fog - Very fun to play the turn after doing a full swing at your opponent

  • Sheltering Light - Going indestructible works sometimes. One card that's almost Maybeboard (Maybe swap for card: Path of Exile or Return to Dust, but I rather get something that can protect the creatures instead of removing another)

  • Boros Charm - All creatures with indestructible? Great!! Possibility to 1-hit-kill with Commander Damage depending on the board? Amazing!! 4 damage to player? Meh

  • Krosan Grip - Splitsecond makes it amazing!

  • Manglehorn - Sweet ETB

Sometimes not allowing your opponets do some stuff can get you to some turns of advantage. Put that with a land that can generate 2 or 3 times the usual amount of mana and you get your board full pretty fast.

This is an Aggro deck with combo tendencies, some of those are listed below

card: Marit Lage --> Cast card: Hour of Promisse to search for Dark Depths and Thespian's Stage. Trigger Stage to copy Depths, sac original Depths then sac Stage to bring the 20/20 Flying Indestructible to your board

Infinite Polyraptors --> With Forerunner of the Empire on the battlefield, cast Boros Charm to make your permanents indestructible and then cast Polyraptor

Double-Double-Strike --> With Uncage the Menagerie cast with X=7, pick card: Goring Ceratop and Angrath's Marauders. First cast the Dino and when he's able to swing, cast the Pirate. All your creatures will hit double damage'd double strike. Amazing with Gishath, Sun's Avatar on the board, or even 1 hit commander damage.

Double combat steps every turn --> With the Untap target creature ability of Samut, Voice of Dissent you can exert Combat Celebrant every turn

Enraged Boardwipe --> if you manage to have Trapjaw Tyrant on the battlefield during the Infinitie Polyraptor combo, you are able to exile all creatures you opponents control

If the situation is 'SHIT! Got boardwiped' or 'Shit! I need something to end the game', gonna use those options:


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99% Casual


Date added 6 years
Last updated 6 years
Exclude colors UB
Splash colors WRG

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

13 - 0 Mythic Rares

31 - 0 Rares

26 - 0 Uncommons

14 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 4.06
Tokens City's Blessing, Copy Clone, Dinosaur 3/3 G, Emblem Huatli, Radiant Champion, Marit Lage, Zombie 2/2 B
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