Zada takes first place Going undefeated (3/0). While I did say I was going to take a break from this deck to test out another... I found the other deck was going to be less then popular for those who had to play vs it. so I am back to Zada for this week. With this week being the release of the set most people were interested in drafting over playing standard at the shop I go to so there wasn't as many people as normal. There were a fair number of strong contenders from the regulars, so I am going to count this still. The match ups went as follows.
Game 1: R/W/B Allies (2/0)
Round 1: Win because my opponent got mana screwed after mulling twice
Round 2: Win, bit of back and forth because of lifelinkers on both side but coming out on top because Gideon overwhelming them.
Bonus round: played another game with him because we wanted to see what it could do if he wasn't mana hosed. Victory due to arcbond shutting down his field.
Game 2: Devoid U/R 2/0
Round 1: Victory because zada hit field and he had no answer
Round 2: Victory, sided in pile driver and outbursts which saw play and kept him from using some of his blue control.
Game 3: R/G Ramp Ulamog 2/1
Round 1: Loss, Mulligan twice and could not draw a creature spell for 4 turns. Would have won game by arcbonding a token that ulamog would run into but Dragonlord Atarka shot down my creatures for the loss.
Side in all the goblin spells
round 2: win, 1 Swiftspear, 1 titan strength and 2 hordeling outbursts killed him in 5 turns
round 3: Win, 2 early swiftspears plus dragon slayer managed leathal in 7 turns because he played some large creatures quickly that got in way (no ulamog).
The deck failed at achieving infinite... but could have performed it against the devoid deck but had lethal on him by simply using arcbond. The deck is still performing up to expectations and am thinking as what to try and test in the deck from new cards. Have some ideas but not sure what to pull out if I were to include them. I will likely play this deck again in 2 weeks as I will not be able to play next week due to an event I will be attending called Global Game Jam.
If you have any questions I will be happy to answer to the best of my abilities.