This deck is an aggro heavy WB Orzhov deck based around filling the board with zombies! This deck is good in the aggro matchup due to healing from Wayward Servant which allows it to also be a win condition. It may struggle vs blue but if they counter most zombies you have and you bring out Diregraf Colossus, it makes it a strong card they just cant hold back. Numbers game of all the zombie tokens you will bring out and menace affects make an unstoppable force. This deck can easily match up vs GB snake decks with ease as it will pump out blockers, damage dealers, and has the removal necessary to eliminate key pieces of any deck.
Removal is: Fatal Push, Grasp of Darkness, Time to Reflect, and Dark Salvation in the mainboard. In the sideboard removal we have Shamble Back to exile Scrapheap Scrounger, Never//Return for removing gideons and any annoying planeswalkers or gas creatures. Then the flipside can be used to exile scrapheap as well and produce a zombie on the board. Harsh Scrutiny is used to knock out key combo cards in hand early, and removes cards the enemy is relying on to bring out early to get a hold. Dusk//Dawn is used to remove the enemy field in the case of RW human aggro and other field heavy matchups, this is good because none of your 2/2 zombies will be affected at all and you will have a rather decent board compared to the wasteland you created for the opponent.
Aggro Creatures: These are the zombies you want on the board for lots of control and power over opponent to end game quickly. Plague Belcher is your best friend in this zombie aggro deck, a 5/4 with menace is an unstoppable force when most cards at that cost are only 2/2s that will need several of to even block the incoming damage. Diregraf Colossus is the next best powerhouse, he is stronger for every zombie card in the grave when first played, and afterwards he fills up the board with zombie tokens. Relentless Dead is the third strongest aggro card in this deck, it can be brought back once it dies or bring another zombie back as well if need be. It has menace which is really strong to smack the enemy down quickly.
Draw Creature: Cryptbreaker is used to draw cards when you're running low and have zombies to spare.
Passive Burn Creature: Wayward Servant is strong when using Diregraf Colossus to spawn a 2/2 zombie and deal 1 damage to the enemy at the same time. When filling the field with Dark Salvation it spawns in at least 2 2/2 zombies with a minimum of 2 burn damage, and upwards of however much mana you decide to spare. It also just stacks the passive burn with every other creature you play in this deck.
In Oketra's Name is the only buff we need, because once its used it usually signals the end of the game for the opponent. It increases each zombie's by +2/+1 and since all cards are zombies, everything benefits.
Liliana, Death's Majesty is used in the sideboard as utility, to either spawn, remove, or eliminate an entire board.
Anointed Procession is used as a bonus way to spawn an insane amount of zombie tokens and is a little overkill, but if you want to dance on your opponents grave you have to do it properly.
I will try this deck out fully and report back the results after I go play some FNM and possibly score some wins, be aware the results may be skewed as I am a newer player and might not be able to play this to the full potential, or perhaps it'll be broken.