Pretty simple. Put out value creatures, throw some stuff on them sometimes and usually you just win. I'm gonna try to get more 'Goyfs but as for now he's just a 1-of, and some matchups he just isn't... good. Mostly things like Affinity or anything that doesn't use fetch lands. Here's the run down:
Path to Exile: Great 1 drop removal, the land advantage usually doesn't even hurt when you're beating their face in by turn 5-ish. There is better removal out there since we are playing red, so I want this to stay as a 3-of.
Goblin Guide: you get information, sometimes they draw. Still 2 power that can attack turn 1 and stick around. Definitely a 4-of.
Isamaru, Hound of Konda: As a 1-of, he's a vanilla 2/2 for 1 with no down side, as of the new legend rule. I don't see any reason not to play him.
Kird Ape: Thanks to fetches and Shocks, he can be a 2/3 for 1 turn 1, or turn 2 while swinging (aka when it matters). I like 4.
Kitchen Finks: I like him, since he is 3 power for 3 with recursion and life gain stapled on, but I can't help but feel like there's something better I could be running.
Loam Lion: Same logic as Kird Ape, just printed in a later set. Definite 4-of.
Dryad Militant: A 2/1 for 2 that really hurts storm and hurts Snapcaster decks. Thinking about more main board, but as of now he's only a one-of main.
Vexing Devil: 4 to the face or a 4/3 for 1. If that's not value then I don't know what is. People argue that the fact that the opponent chooses is bad, but it's usually taking out 1/5th of their health or being a prime removal target so your other guys can get in. not bad for 1 red mana.
Voice of Resurgence: Recursion that makes him bigger, messes with control... Definitely like him. Only issue is that Pillar gets maindecked sometimes just to deal with him. Since they don't around my meta (though they might soon), I'm keeping this as a 4 of for now.
Lightning Bolt: Removal, burn, yeah.
Lightning Helix: bolt plus lifegain is pretty sexy, but the fact that it costs 2 instead of 1 is kind of annoying. Luckily Aether Vial lets me keep my mana open or I wouldn't run this card. I like a 3-of.
Rancor: though it fizzles to removal, adding trample to your already beefed up guy (Apes, Lions, Hound, etc.) is pretty awesome. I only need 3, since they come back to my hand, but I'm willing to mess with these numbers if anyone thinks it'd be better some other way.
Aether Vial: Makes your dudes uncounterable, gives them flash, helps you keep removal up to make sure your dudes get through... good card. I like 4.
2 Gaddock Teeg I like him against UWR to prevent sphinx's rev, though I might just use Guttural Response instead for this match up. Thoughts?
3 Imposing Sovereign: Aggro mirrors, almost shuts down R/x aggro with their Ball Lightnings, Spark/Hellspark Elementals, and Goblin Guides.
3 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben: Really good against control if you're on the play and they don't have the spell snare to stop her. Also shuts down Storm.
3 Dryad Militant: a great card versus Snapcaster and Storm, as their past in flames gets no graveyard to eat. They could use a grapeshot to kill him, but then they still just wasted a grapeshot so I'm still happy.
4 Spellskite There's a boggle player in my meta. These can make or break a game for them if I get one out.