Pretty low tier player, but I'm picking up the mechanics. Started with a Power Hungry stock EDH deck and have been modifying it for a few months now (I Don't Know What I'm Doing on T/O). I decided to try out Modern merely to give myself something to do when other players don't have EDH decks on them, but that's a pretty ugly situation lmao (Shit-Tier Modern Deck on T/O).

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MTG Decks

Modified Prossh EDH- Help Wanted

Commander / EDH Atlantis_Rising


Meren Doing Meren-y things

Commander / EDH Atlantis_Rising

SCORE: 1 | 142 VIEWS

Finished Decks 7
Prototype Decks 4
Drafts 0
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Modern, Commander / EDH
Venues Gamerz Haven-Jamestown, NY
Joined 10 years