Just a friendly magic player who's constantly seeking to improve themself! I'm more of a control player, but I've tried my hand at other archetypes. is my favorite color lately, and I've got plenty of decks based on controlling the board, or the game. I accept all suggestions as valid and consider their positive attributions to the deck they're suggested for. That being said, PLEASE, help me! I'm super bad at figuring out WinCons and mana bases (;-;)

MTG Decks

Narset, Enlightened Turn-Taking

Commander / EDH DivineGuide


Maralen of the Combo

Commander / EDH* DivineGuide


Finished Decks 16
Prototype Decks 8
Drafts 0
Playing since Magic 2013
Points 0
Avg. deck rating 8.50
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Standard, Commander / EDH
Cards suggested / good suggestions 2 / 1
Venues Two Kings / Jester's Cap, Gamerz Haven
Joined 9 years
MTGO Username DivineGuide