Greetings, we are Forest Bear Studios.

We create weekly gameplay videos of a variety of Magic formats in paper cards on Youtube. Our main format is Modern, but we also play Pauper, Legacy, Vintage, and our custom format Middle-Class Magic.

Middle-Class Magic is a fairly simple format based on Pauper. It includes basic lands and any card that was at one point printed at uncommon, and adds on the Legacy banlist so cards like Stripmine or Library of Alexandria don't rule the format. The format is a balance of powerful spells and horrible mana fixing that is very fun to play.
Set Wars is a smaller format that we have done on occasion. Decks in Set Wars can only utilize cards from a single set, such as "Shards of Alara" or "New Phyrexia." It is not like Block Constructed, as a deck of "Zendikar" could face off against "Homelands" or any other pair of sets could face off. While similar to Shelf, it is a lot more restrictive than a whole standard era, giving a deck only 250~ or so cards to build the deck out of.

MTG Decks

Brago, King Flicker

Commander / EDH ForestBearStudios



Legacy ForestBearStudios


Finished Decks 549
Prototype Decks 67
Drafts 0
Avg. deck rating 4.89
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Modern, Legacy, Vintage
Joined 10 years