
My name is Marshal and I have been playing Magic for about 2 years now. I first started playing with a couple decks my friend owned, Cobra, and that's what got me into the game of Magic. I've always enjoyed strategy games, moreover strategy board/card games. So after playing a while, he told me I should look into making my first deck, and he said to use proxies so I didn't have to buy the cards. So that’s exactly what I did! For two weeks, I looked at every blue, green, and white card from the eighth edition to present day (Theros at the time) and narrowed x cards (I don't remember the exact number of modern green, white, and blue) down to about 2000. From here, I narrowed it down to about 100, and then to about 40. And I thought I had my first deck. 40 different cards, and 20 lands. Boy was I in for a surprise. So with the help of friends explaining how I should look into making a deck; the idea of synergy and what not, I was able to adjust it to about 14 different cards to establish my very first 60 card deck. Remember, this is my very first deck I ever made, and you can see it here: Blue-White Defense. The very first time I played it was two-headed giant, which after a couple months of being my only deck I enjoyed playing I realized it was an amazing two-headed giant deck and a terrible 1v1 deck. However, it was my first deck and will always remain as one of my favorite decks to play, especially in two headed giant!

This Blue-White Defense deck set the stage for the rest of my Magic life. I mean I loved making the game last all 60 cards if possible. I loved drawing every card in my deck. I loved just playing the game. This is why I was always so against any deck with red in it. They simply won too fast. Why play a game for 5 minutes, then pick up your cards, shuffle them, and play another game, only to win in 5 minutes. I look forward to playing a 30 minute game, even if it is about doing nothing except laughing because my opponent can’t break through my defenses because of counter spells galore!

After playing 60 cards for some time, my friend’s introduced me to commander. I didn’t like commander one bit when I started playing. I hated having 99 different cards and not ever knowing what I was going to draw or how the game was going to play out. However, now I love it, and it’s really the only thing I enjoy playing. So this led to my first commander deck being made: First Commander Deck

It was a 5-color commander deck using the cheapest (price) commander I could find. I didn’t ever play the commander. I simply loved all the cards in the deck. And that again is where friends helped me out and pointed to the idea of creating a synergized commander deck.

This led to some research and more looking at cards, and I landed on my commander. Damia, Sage of Stone, probably the greatest and worst card that has happened to me and the game of magic. I sat on this single commander making all kinds of Damia commander decks. After countless games and hours and about a year of time, I finally was able to put together a Damia commander deck I actually liked. It turned out similar to this one: Damia, Wizard Queen,Protector of Kruphix *Budget*. This isn’t the original thought process. This is a more refined version of the deck. I’m still not completely happy with the cards in the deck, and so the deck is ever changing. I believe the original version is: First Damia Deck

It is amazing to see where I started with the game of Magic, and where I am now. I love the game more and more, and am spending more on cards than I ever thought I would. I’m obsessed with this silly ol’ card game, but I wouldn’t stop playing it for the world. We’ll see where the game takes me!

Oh and just remember:

There is no greater feeling than seeing the dazed look of “You got to be s***ing me” on an opponent’s face when you lay down that card that puts the random assortment of cards on the table together! The random cards to make a deck aren’t always bad, and sometimes fun doesn’t just come from winning a game!

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MTG Decks

Hydras and Counters

Commander / EDH* Hanzel


The True Istari *BUDGET

Commander / EDH Hanzel


Damia, Wizard Queen,Protector of Kruphix *Budget*

Commander / EDH Hanzel



Casual Hanzel


Finished Decks 7
Prototype Decks 1
Drafts 0
Playing since Theros
Points 0
Avg. deck rating 2.50
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Commander / EDH, Casual
Joined 9 years