Started playing in 4E/Ice Age/Fallen Empires. Quit after Onslaught block. Just started again May 2014 by selling my old collection and starting a new one. Prefer Black, Red and Green decks and missing Goblins at the moment.

I have Mutavaults and duals, but every time I would proxy up a deck and have Mutavaults, I would have too many of them and not enough colored mana. Just bad luck, but I would prefer consistent colored mana and just try and figure out the bare minimum my deck can run on and not get mana screwed regularly. Then again, I think everyone who plays Magic is trying to work on that part still :)

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MTG Decks

Nyx Sligh

Standard* SSquirrel


Finished Decks 235
Prototype Decks 70
Drafts 0
Playing since Fourth Edition
Avg. deck rating None
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Joined 10 years