Howdy! I'm a passionate magic player who started playing magic around the Tarkir block and have been playing ever since.

My first deck ever constructed was a 60-card sultai control deck, which, at the time was supposed to be a "legal" standard deck, but, since my friend was quite bad at explaining, well, everything, it turned into a modern deck.. and lets just say that it didn't exactly win me the Mythic Championship.

A year later I got introduced to commander and thought I might try it out with a couple of friends. I've since then come to grow into becoming a mismash between the Johnny and Spike personas from initially being the purest Timmy player out there.

I love exploring different combos and card-interactions to make my decks the best versions of themselves whilst still keeping them fun to play against.

I'm also the first (and only for that matter) player in my playgroup to make Wolf-tribal a thing.

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MTG Decks

Enchanted everything

Commander / EDH Turtlemaster


Finished Decks 1
Prototype Decks 0
Drafts 0
Playing since Khans of Tarkir
Points 0
Avg. deck rating 4.00
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Favorite formats Commander / EDH
Cards suggested / good suggestions 12 / 10
Joined 6 years