I guess I will just put how I tend to play the game and such here.

I am sort of a combination of a johnny and a spike. I will play decks that are good to win, but really I want to play my own deck that is different from everyone else. I want to design a deck that beats every other deck in the format, and is different from every other deck in the format. That is kind of a very basic and blunt way of saying it, but its true at a basic level. So... yeah.... Let me know if you have a different deck that you think would break the format please, I would be really interested to see what you did.

I have recently started writing articles on the standard meta game.

If you have any questions/comments/anything to tell me feel free to post them on my wall or email me at [email protected]

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Burkek & KrazyCaley's Standard Analysis - Zombies and U/B Control

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Burkek & KrazyCaley's Standard Analysis - Bloodhall and 5CC

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Burkek & KrazyCaley's Standard Analysis - RDW & W/U Humans

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MTG Decks

standard grixis!

Standard* burkek


RTR standard jund

Standard* burkek


modern b/w grind

Modern* burkek


standard merfolk

Standard* burkek


Finished Decks 800
Prototype Decks 406
Drafts 355
Cube Drafts 50
Avg. deck rating 2.80
T/O Rank None yet
Helper Rank None yet
Suppressed formats Commander / EDH, Canadian Highlander
Joined 13 years