8 years ago
ROUND 1 - WIN - Jeskai Control - 2-1
ROUND 2 - WIN - Affinity - 2-0
ROUND 3 - WIN - Jeskai Delver - 2-0
ROUND 4 - ID - Living End - 1-1
8 years ago
Round 1 - WIN - Blue/White Control - 2:1
Round 2 - WIN - Mono-White Aggro - 2:0
Round 3 - LOSS - Blue/Red Twin - 0:2
Didn't learn much from the first match other than the fact that Leyline of Sanctity is very good against this deck, but I'm …
9 years ago
Round 1 - LOSS - Abzan Midrange
Round 2 - LOSS - Blue/White Control
Round 3 - WIN - Opponent Dropped
Round 4 - WIN - Bye
9 years ago
Round 1 - WIN - Mono Blue Tron
Round 2 - WIN - Red/Green Tron
Round 3 - WIN - Blue/White Control
Round 4 - LOSS - Temur Delver
9 years ago
Well, this past weekend went well.
My first larger event ever and I get Top 8??
Heck yeah. It was so fun too, met lots of cool people from different parts of TN.
I went with MBA (Mono-Black Aggro) for a couple reasons:
- Closest thing I had to be …
10 years ago
With new cards ordered and arrived, I took the deck to its second FNM.
Round 1 - BY
Round 2 - LOSS - Mono Black Devotion
Round 3 - LOSS - Rabble Red
Round 4 - LOSS - Rakdos Aggro
Went up against many of the same decks I faced …
10 years ago
Took the deck to its very first FNM and went 2-2, which brought me to around 12th place.
First Round: Win - Mono Blue Draft Scraps
Second Round: Loss - Mono Red Aggro
Third Round: Win - Mono Black Devotion
Fourth Round: Loss - RG Scuttling Monsters
My first round …
10 years ago