I'm very happy with the deck's performance. Before I go on to the matches, I want to say what out FNM is now.
Before, we used to have Top 8, get prized out, etc. Now, for every win you get you earn a pack and going 4-0 gets two extra …
10 years ago
So, I made top 8 again.
Round 1, Bant control, 1-2. This was not my match. Game 1 I had a great board presence. I was very happy when he missed his 6th land drop since I knew he ran Elspeth, Sun's Champion. I did have Nissa, Worldwaker out and …
10 years ago
So, first time using the deck, Top 8!
Round 1, Slivers, 2-1: Tough match. Game 1 I played a fast Aggro game of turn 3 Polukranos, World Eater and turn 5 wipe the board... Or at least his. He scooped. Game 2 he plays turn 1 Galerider Sliver and I …
10 years ago
So, I top 8'd Game day! this deck is really making me happy... Except for when it came to Top 8.
Round 1, MaRo, 0-2. I was mana screwed, end of story.
Round 2, W/B Midrange, 2-0. It wasn't normal B/W Midrange, it was random Angels and Demons thrown into …
10 years ago
This was a very successful night. Not losing a single match and this being the very first time using this deck? Hell ya!
Round 1, Dimir Control/Mill, 2-1. Game 1 I stalled with counterspells until I ultimated a Ral Zarek. 4 extra turns gave me enough time to draw into …
10 years ago
This is a late FNM Summary. 2nd Place! So happy! Here's the Summary:
Round 1 bye, free win, happiness.
Round 2, G/W Aggro, 0-2. I still cant beat this deck. Game 1 a turn 3 Supreme Verdict still wasn't enough after he played a Deadbridge Goliath which was countered, but …
10 years ago
2-2 again! This is really bad news for the upcoming Primer IQ...
Round 1, Simic Super Ramp, 2-1. Game 1 I was OWNED. I had no answers to anything. The control basically said "im not gonna counter or kill a single thing!" game 2 my new sideboard was proving to …
10 years ago
So I finished 3-2 this past week, finishing just out of the top 8.
Whole new lists take some time to tweak and practice mechanics with so I am feeling good about what I saw from the deck.
Lets discuss what interactions I saw that went well.
Generator Servant and …
10 years ago
For the first time, I wasn't prized out :(. Here is the night:
Round 1, Bant Control, 1-1-1. I can't really say this was a mirror because I'm super friends and he is more control, but it was pretty close. Game 1 I was in the lead beating him down …
10 years ago
So, this deck actually got 1st place at every single EDH Tournament at our store ever since it was revamped. Very happy with the turnout of the deck, and am happy to hear some more comments!
10 years ago
We got top 8 again, this deck is definitely a deck I'm going to hold on to... For a while.
Round 1, U/W Control, 0-2. This match-up may be my worst match up, but I got terrible draws both games. Game 1 I mulled to 5 and kept an ok …
10 years ago
We are on a tear with this deck! We got top 8 again!
Round 1: Grixis Control, 2-0. Weird deck. It was focusing more on mill yet had the control cards control has. Game 1 kruphix, god of horzions created me lots of mana. He countered my first Sphinx's Revelation …
10 years ago
I went to a standard on Monday and went 3-1. Here's the match summary.
Round 1, MBD, 2-1. Game 1 I beat him with soldier tokens galore. I Detention Sphered two sets of Pack Rats and had big butt blockers for days. Game 2 he destroyed me. When my lifegain …
10 years ago
We did it guys! We got another homebrew into top 8! But this time, it was second place!!!
Round 1: Selesnya Aggro, 2-0. This deck straight up hoses Aggro. Once I play a turn 3 Courser of Kruphix, they are screwed. They may have lots of creatures compared to me, …
10 years ago
Played some strong, well known archetypes and did really well. 4 Rounds.
Round 1: Jund Monsters. (2-0)
Was pretty easy. Though I admit I never saw a Courser of Kruphix on his side. He did see consecutive Mogis's Marauders in game one and a turn four Marauder in game two. …
10 years ago